Philips: Update für Streaming-Probleme (Auflösung, HDR) nächste Woche (2017/18er TVs)

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seit einigen Woche haben Nutzer der 2017/18er Philips Android TVs mit Problemen zu kämpfen, dass bei Streaming-Anbieter (u.a. Netflix) nur noch sehr schlechte Bildqualität geliefert wird (siehe Toengels Support Forum). Gemeinsam hat Philips mit Partnern die Ursache gefunden und wird nächste Woche ein Update zur Verfügung stellen:

Dear Users

we know that the inability for the TVs to playback VoD Content in the desired resolution has been disappointing for all of you. We have been working around the clock to provide a solution, and it is with great pleasure that we can now officially announce that a SW solution has been found.

The software release is being prepared as I’m typing up these lines and will be made available for all of you by beginning of next week via the TVs built-in internet-based software update mechanism.

We have however 2 notes for that SW:

#1 we strongly advise to make sure that all installed apps are updated via the Google Play Store (i.e. all pending updates should be installed)

#2 the TV will be treated as a new device, for example in Netflix. As Netflix has a max allowance of logged in devices to their service, it might be necessary to log in to Netflix (via a PC) and delete all “stored” device, so you can add new ones.

Please share any feedback to that update with us, if it worked and especially if it did not work out as intended.

Thank you


Philips Consumer Care

Betroffene TV-Serien:


Update (7.12.2020):

Update ist online!

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