da aktuell immer noch nicht Napster (wieder) auf den Streamium-Geräten läuft, hier ein erfreuliches Feedback aus dem englischen Philips Support Forum:
We are glad to inform you that the Napster service* on the Wireless Hi Fi device – AW1000, AW2000, AW3000, AW5000 and AW9000 – has been resumed. Please upgrade your device to the latest firmware 5.10S or above to re-enable the service.
For the Streamium device – specifically NP2500, NP2900, NP3500, NP3700, NP3900, MCI8080 and MCI900 – the Napster service will be made available within the next two weeks. The schedule for each device will be posted shortly.
As for the Streamium NP3300, we are still resolving a few issues and we’ll provide the update as soon as possible.
We really appreciate your patience and continuous support.
*Napster service supports the users in UK and Germany.
Quelle: Philips Forum
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Update 1:
Napster für NP2500 und NP2900 ist da:
We are glad to inform you that the Napster service on the Streamium device – NP2500, NP2900 – has been resumed. Please upgrade your device to the latest firmware B16.22S or above to re-enable the service.
Quelle: Philips Forum
Update 2 (20.3.2013):
Napster für NP3700 und NP3900 ist da:
We are glad to inform you that the Napster service on the Streamium device – NP3700, NP3900 – has been resumed. Please upgrade your device to the latest firmware SW E320S or above to re-enable the service.
Quelle: Philips Forum
Update 3 (21.3.2013):
Napster für NP3500 ist da:
Please be noted that the Napster service of NP3500 has also been resumed. Please upgrade your device to the latest firmware F572S to re-enable the service.
Quelle: Philips Forum
Napster für MCi900 und MCi8080 ist da:
We are glad to inform you that the Napster service on the Streamium device – MCi900 & MCi8080 – has been resumed. Please upgrade your device to the latest firmware to re-enable the service:
a) MCi900- SW C936S
b) MCi8080 – SW D802S
Quelle: Philips Forum
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