Philips hat eine neue Firmware für die Fidelio AW-Serie A9, A5, A3, A2 und A1 (AW9000, AW5000, AW3000, AW2000 und AW1000) veröffentlicht: Version H5.55S:
- Faster opening of Playlists in Spotify music service
- Alternative Stream selection in Internet radio: The Wireless Hi-Fi unit normally plays a radio-station with the highest available quality. This however may lead in some areas / networks to a playback with interruptions / long buffering periods. As a remedy, you can select an alternative available stream, if available (e.g. with a lower bit-rate or with a different encoding format) for the current played radio-station. In the now playing screen click on “Settings”, “Internet radio”, “Select Alternative Stream”. You do this repeatedly in case of multiple alternative streams are available.
- Bugfix in handling characters like ; or ‘ or , as a device name
- Bugfix for refresh issues in the Deezer & Juke music service (Playlists)
- Improved handling when two smartphones/devices connect to the same device. Now no more error message “Pageload error” is shown (it might be, that the displayed album cover art is not updated on the earlier connected device).
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