Dear Philips… or the way, how to communicate a maintenance on your SmartTV portal

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Dear Philips,

the last 24 hours were again a good example, how bad you communicate with your customers!

Philips: Due to a maintenance the requested page is not available
Philips: Due to a maintenance the requested page is not available

What happened? Yesterday morning you started a maintenance on your SmartTV portal and this maintenance lasted almost a complete day. Well, it’s really good, that you try to improve you stuff over there, but you need to communicate this to your customers! Your end-users! At least, when it directly affects your customers – and yesterday it did!

From my point of view (and many others) you made two big mistakes:

  1. You did NOT announce any maintenance. You have a “Support Forum” – a very fast way to communicate to your customers! Take a look at it – there are many reported “problems” that “Due to a maintenance the requested page is not available”! Many people don’t understand, that their SmartTV is in the end a webpage based system! They think, their TVs and/or AVM devices are broken! (The Support Forum moderators can only provide information they have! So, let them know!)
  2. Your placeholder (“Due to a maintenance the requested webpage is not available”) is only displayed in English! Do you think, that every customer all over the world is able to understand that? For example: people set up their TVs to German and then they got a message on their TVs they don’t understand!

So – please learn, how to communicate with your customers! This would be a win-win situation in the end! But not, how it’s done currently… Take a minute or two to think about it! How do you called it in the good old times? “Let’s Make Things Better”


Follow me on Twitter (@PhilipsToengel)

PS: Some blog statistics from yesterday

  • doubled amount of visitors looking for a solution
  • top 9 search words
    1. due to maintenance the requested page is not available philips
    2. due to maintenance the requested page is not available
    3. philips net tv due to maintenance the requested page is not available
    4. philips smart tv due to maintenance the requested page is not available
    5. net tv due to maintenance the requested page is not available
    6. philips due to maintenance the requested page is not available
    7. philips net tv due to maintenance
    8. due to maintenance the requested page is not available übersetzung
    9. philips smart tv probleme

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10 Gedanken zu „Dear Philips… or the way, how to communicate a maintenance on your SmartTV portal“

  1. Strohdoof. Und das Backoffice von TP in Hamburg hat eine unglaubliche Arroganz. Immer noch erzählt das HelpDesk das MyRemoteRecording “bald” kommt: es kommt NICHT, NIE. Ich bin vor 7 Wochen darüber bis zum Philips Vorstand in NL um das zu klären. Und bis jetzt hat Philips/TP es NICHT geschaft aus Benutzerhandücher, Datenblätter usw das über MyRemoteRecording zu entfernen. So bald das Ambilight Patent auslauft, is TP in 2 Jahren vom Markt. Auf nur 1 USP und weiter nur Kunden-verarschung kann mein kein Unternehmen bauen. Sehr, sehr, schade. Aber anscheinend so gewollt.

  2. Der Aufruf von NetTV via BDP7000 Player endet(e) mit einem:
    XML parsing failed: syntax error (Line: 1, Character: 105)
    Error: unexpected character or identity reference (reference outside root element)

    Das ist noch weniger hilfreich als ein “due to maintenance”
    Platz 10 der TOP TEN Suchbegriffe war doch bestimmt: “XML parsing failed”, oder ist mein Player defekt?


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