Philips: Subwoofer-Grenzfrequenz des Blu-ray-Players BDP9700

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wer wissen möchte, ab welcher Frequenz Töne direkt an den Subwoofer beim Blu-ray-Player BDP9700 geleitet werden: die Antwort ist 120 Hz. Dabei ist es unerheblich, ob man bei den Lautsprechern “groß” oder “klein” eingestellt hat.


the low frequency cut off is 120Hz, and there is no distinction of the low frequency cut off regardless if the speaker is large or small


Quelle: Philips Forum


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2 Gedanken zu „Philips: Subwoofer-Grenzfrequenz des Blu-ray-Players BDP9700“

  1. This information is not 100% correct though. This only applies to situations where the system is in PCM mode (Blue-ray and DVD and any external PCM signal). Once it is in native DSD mode, it will feed to the speakers what it gets from the source disk since there is no bas management in native DSD. Note that most (99%) SACD’s are 5.0 anyway. SACD playback require 5 large speakers for best results. One can omit the subwoofer if most of your music menu consist of SACD’s only.


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