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Toengels Philips Blog gibt es seit Oktober 2010. Anfänglich spezialisiert auf den Philips Cinema Platinum 21:9 (55PFL9955H/12), fokussiert sich dieser Blog inzwischen auf viele Themen rund um Philips TV, Philips AVM (Audio, Video, Multimedia) und Philips Hue. Unterstützen kannst du diesen Blog beim Einkauf über Amazon oder via Spende für die Kaffeekasse.
Could someone please confirm/decline that hmp7100 plays 3D BD iso. I can not find if it has hdmi1.4 or H.264 MVC(3D) support.
With no answer here I have finaly tried hmp7100. For those who are going to buy it for 3d BD iso support I have to say unfortunatelly it is not working.
I have tried 40GB iso from my 3DBD of last Star Trek and it even not start to play 2D (my current hmp3000 plays 2D from this BD without problem).
Next I have tried to play same other 3dBD iso about space and it saw good from the beginning. TV has recognized that I am playing full hd 3D and I switched to it. Then after few second it was again only 2D.
Menu on the device has no other option related to 3D only ON and OFF. I have tried all this above with ON set. With OFF it naturaly does no 3D.
My conclusion is that HMP7100 does not support H.264 MVC and therefore not full HD 3DBD images. I returned it and keep waiting for next model. Lastly I would like to mention remote controler as not very comfortable with hard buttons. In comparison HMP3000 got better one.