Philips hat eine neue Firmware für die Fidelio AW-Serie A9, A7, A5, A3, A2 und A1 (AW9000, AW7000, AW5000, AW3000, AW2000 und AW1000) veröffentlicht: Version 4.87S.
- Improved wireless network performance (Router compatibility to more models and faster connection in crowded network conditions).
- Apple Lossless Audio Codec (ALAC) is now supported
- Service tab selections are displayed in list view for enhanced usability and a contextual header is shown for all modes (Internet radio, Deezer, Spotify, …).
- Speaker device name can now be edited via the Settings menu
- Language settings can now be changed without running through the installation wizard (via Settings menu in the Services menu).
- Firmware notification (only available for iOS Airstudio APP). Whenever there is a new firmware available, a “N” icon will be shown. (Note: Since this new feature is available only after this new upgrade; the “N” icon would be visible when the next upgrade is available.)
Die Installation kann mithilfe der AirStudio-App durchgeführt werden.
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