hier gibt es die 3D-Ansicht vom HMP7000 und das Datenblatt (in Englisch).
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Toengels Philips Blog gibt es seit Oktober 2010. Anfänglich spezialisiert auf den Philips Cinema Platinum 21:9 (55PFL9955H/12), fokussiert sich dieser Blog inzwischen auf viele Themen rund um Philips TV, Philips AVM (Audio, Video, Multimedia) und Philips Hue. Unterstützen kannst du diesen Blog beim Einkauf über Amazon oder via Spende für die Kaffeekasse.
I can’t wait!
The Philips datasheet only talks about a USB 2.0 connector and not about a USB 3.0. Lets hope this is a mistake in the datasheet. Because, on the Chinese (bunny-)pictures site there seems to be a blue colored USB connector what suggest it has a USB 3.0? It is also mentioned in the translated description of the Chinese site.
I know, that eSATA is included and I think it is also USB 2.0 (there is no need for USB 3, since one does not need faster transfer rates for playing video… and USB 3 devices should work flawlessly on USB 2 ports).
Nevertheless, the Chinese Version (HMP7000/93) is a litte bit different. It contains an input for a mic, cause the Chinese like Karaoke ;-) And I think, this input is not available for the European version (HMP7000/12).
If you ar correct then what’s the differnce between the HMP5000 en the HMP7000? NET TV? Video on demand? or maybe the internal 2,5″ SATA HDD Slot that was talked about before?
It’s always cool to tell your friends that they are able to Karaoke at your place ;-)
I think the main difference seems to be Net TV (with VOD). However, VOD is some kind of problematic regarding DRM – some VOD services need it (that’s the reason why these services do not work on 2010 TVs – and at the moment, I don’t know if the HMP devices will support VOD DRM…
I also do not know, if the internal HDD is furthermore in the planning… we will see…
If you go directly to: http://www.p4c.philips.com/files/h/hmp7000_12/
there is also a datasheet in Polish, and numerous pictures of the Philips HMP7000
right – this is the place where I found the links mentioned in the blog entry. However, the pictures does not really differ from the ones I posted in the past. And also there is no picture from the backside (at the moment). If something new appears there, I will blog about it ^^