- 2019: 9104
- 2018: 903 (OLED), 803 (OLED), 8503, 8303, 7803, 7503, 7303, 7363, 7373, 7383, 7393
- 2017: 973 (OLED), 873 (OLED), 9002 (OLED), 8602, 8102, 7502, 6412, 6482
- Dieses Thema hat 233 Antworten sowie 2 Teilnehmer und wurde zuletzt vor vor 2 Monaten von
Toengel aktualisiert.
Dies ist der Diskussions-Thread zum Blog-Eintrag: Philips: Neue Firmware für 2017/2018/2019er TVs mit Android TV 8 Oreo (TPM171E:
schick mir mal ne E-Mail mit einem Foto vom Aufkleber auf der Rückseite des TVs…
Van den Eede
Tag Alex, Ich habe auf den stick mit upgrade_loader_pkg und dan habe ich das renamed attachement NVM.BIN zu gefügt to install them together.
Nach installiering erscheint een drehende kreiss mti text Wissen. Dan erscheint dass Philips logo , dann das Android logo und darauf blokkierd den Fernsehen. Fernbedienung ausser betrieb. TV aus netz, Schalter an die Rückzete nach unten betätigen, TV an Netz, keiner Erfolg.
Grüsse, Maurice.
du musst nicht den Schalter auf der Rückseite nutzen:
Philips: Bootloop Rescue/Recovery/Upgrade/Downgrade mit Upgrade Loader PKG
Maurice Van den Eede
Tag Alex, nach zu fugen von NVM.BIN ist der Fernseher nun wieder am Anfang wen der Kunde es mir geliefert hat: Das apparaat kann nicht an und ausgeschaltet werden, nach anschalten mit dem Stecker erscheint das Logo von Philips und Android und der Fernseher ‘ist blocked on Android logo’. Am ende der Upgrade ist es nicht möglich mit die R.C. zu steuern, keine taste gibt ein Erfolg.
Ohne die NVM.BIN Software komme ich wieder in Recovering, aber es fehlt Software von Android die vielleicht mit eine SD Karte oder ein USB Stick muß eingegeben werden. Haben sie diese Software?
Haben sie eine andere Upgrade Software oder eine andere Losung? Maurice
im Recovery Mode installiert man die normale autorun.upg – nimm einfach eine aus dem Firmware Archiv
van den Eede Maurice
Tag Alex, ich, habe ‘autorun.upg ‘ im recoverie Mode aufgeladen Es gibt dann die Meldung: In diese autorun.upg ‘Failed to find META-INF/com/android:metadata in update package. Am ende der Verlauf recoverie die Meldung ‘Error in/sdcard/autorun.upg (Status 7).
Welche autorun.upg hat diese fehlende software?
hattest du den upgrade_loader von TPM171E _ probiert und alle Dateien auf den Stick geladen?
Maurice Van den Eede
Tag Alex, Ja ich habe mit die 136, die 138, Die 143pkg versucht, und habe immer die probleme wehen ich die autorun.upg versuche zu installieren E: failed to find Meta-inf /coTm/android/metadata in update package.
Für dieses Fernseher gibt es viele Updates. Sind die frühere Updates in späteren Updates einbegriffen? Muss ich die update nehmen die Android einfugte?
Haben Sie Kontakte mit Philips Deutschland? Können die uns beraten. Was sollte ich falsch machen?
ja – die Updates sind kummulativ… also die aktuelle enthält alle Fixes der vorhergehenden.
Probiere einfach noch eine ältere… am besten mit einer alten Android-Version.
Van den Eede Maurice
LetMeRepair Benelux B.V.
Schippersstraat 7
3500 Hasselt
E-Mail: info@letmerepair.be
http://www.LetMeRepair.com IBAN BE40 7340 6254 1363
Telephone: T +32 (0)78 353 454 BIC / SWIFT. KREDBEBB VAT no. BE0790.196.147
Schippersstraat 7, 3500 Hasselt, Belgium KBC Bank NV Registration no. 0790.196.147
LetMeRepair Benelux B.V. RPR Antwerpen, afdeling Hasselt
Piessens Luc
Slagveldstraat, 69
BE-9160 Lokeren Uw fax:
Uw e-mail:
Uw Referentie:
Reparatie Nr: RN172773955 Serie nr.: FZ1A1911004902
Model: 49PUS8303/12
Onderwerp: Kostenraming Datum: 26.11.2024
De technieker zal, na goedkeuring van deze prijsopgave, bij u langskomen voor een diagnose van uw toestel.
Een of meerdere onderdelen werden hiervoor preventief voorzien.
Deze prijsopgave bevat de totale kost voor het vervangen van deze onderdelen.
Als bij diagnose blijkt dat er bijkomende of andere onderdelen nodig zijn, dan ontvangt u nadien een nieuwe prijsopgave.
Het is mogelijk dat niet alle voorziene onderdelen nodig zijn. Ongebruikte onderdelen worden niet gefactureerd.
Indien het toestel, ondanks de nieuwe onderdelen, niet herstelbaar blijkt, dan worden deze onderdelen terug uit het toestel
Het is in dit geval niet altijd mogelijk het toestel in originele staat terug te brengen.
Wij zijn niet verantwoordelijk indien een onherstelbaar verklaard toestel bijkomend verlies aan functionaliteit vertoond na de
Door akkoord te gaan met deze prijsopgave gaat u ook akkoord met deze beperking.
Artikel Aantal Bedrag (€) Totaal (€)
Diagnose 1 32,40 32,40
MB ASSY(BPRSH8TBB6T0SX/P2VP088B**) 1 146,60 146,60
Arbeidskosten (behandeling, inspectie of reparatie) 1 113,00 113,00
ander bedrag 1 0,00 0,00
Transportkosten 1 50,00 50,00
Subtotaal 342,00
BTW 21 % 71,82
Bedrag Incl. BTW 413,82
OD1 Ik ga akkoord met de door jullie opgestelde offerte.
OD2 Ik weiger dit aanbod en wens geen herstelling. Ik ontvang een factuur van € 0,00
dossierkosten inc. BTW.
Datum en handtekening
Als je een bedrijf hebt, geef ons dan je btw-nummer zodat we een correcte factuur kunnen opmaken.
De prijsopgave is een schatting van de mogelijke herstelkost. Dit bedrag kan worden aangepast,
afhankelijk van de vaststelling van de technieker. De minimumkost bij een diagnose aan huis is 99.70€
incl btw, te betalen bij het eerste huisbezoek.
Gelieve te noteren dat indien wij een nieuw order dienen aan te maken, prijzen kunnen afwijken van de
huidige offerte.Tachchen,
ist halt die Frage, ob du noch so viel Geld ausgeben willst… Für das Geld bekommt man schon einen neuen TV…
I need the same NVM for 55OLED803, can you help me?
what problem do you have with your TV?
This is my log. TCON is new. PSU is tested and ok.
Boot-set res5 0
PCB config=1, PCB ckeck=0
DRAM Channel A Calibration.
DRAM A Size = 1024 Mbytes.
DRAM Channel B Calibration.
DRAM B Size = 1024 Mbytes.
DRAM Channel C Calibration.
DRAM C Size = 512 Mbytes.
Start Pmain
EMMC bootCID:0xdcdb66cd
LZHS addr:0x00100040
LZHS size:0x00176848
LZHS checksum:0x00000034
LZHS size:0x00176848
store RSA & AES keys in DMX SRAM
LZHS begin
Start LmainPOWER ON
MT5891 Boot Loader v0.9
[Check Recovery mode KEY]========================================
Boot reason: A/C power on!![Check Recovery mode KEY]PDWNC_ReadWakeupReason: 6
[Check Recovery mode KEY]PDWNC_ReadWakeupReason: 6
[Check Recovery mode KEY]PDWNC_ReadServoADCChannelValue: 1023
[Check Recovery mode KEY]PDWNC_ReadServoADCChannelValue: 3ff
[Check Recovery mode KEY]========================================
[Check Recovery mode KEY]It is LEFTRIGHTPOWER or no pressing from LKB
LOADER_MtkEnvInitFunc : ui4_RebootEventDetailEepAddr = 0xa1a
[MSDC] ext_csd is empty
get_mmcsize emmc_size2 0x00000000 00000000
[MSDC] ext_csd is empty
get_mmcsize emmc_size2 0x00000000 00000000
[MSDC] ext_csd is empty
get_mmcsize emmc_size2 0x00000000 00000000
[MSDC] ext_csd is empty
get_mmcsize emmc_size2 0x00000000 00000000
==Loader emmc pinmux set result 0x1000a0, arbitor 0x20
Init config, cid = 0x15010041, dsc=0xdcdb66cd,rca=0x5206951b,ocr=0x4a544434
[MSDC] 15010041:4a544434:5206951b:dcdb66cd
[MSDC] id1:00414a54 id2:44345206
—Set FIFO path and Init—
[MSDC] Set Bus Clock as HS25(MHz) Success!,src 3 ,mode 0, div 4
Use NEW AutoK idea ,ignore the old ett param
[MSDC] Set pad driving as 1 !
[eMMC2DRAM]enter into SDR50 Mode, max dtr 200000000
[MSDC] Set Bus Clock as HS0(MHz) Success!,src 0 ,mode 0, div 16
Use NEW AutoK idea ,ignore the old ett param
[MSDC] Set pad driving as 0 !
[MSDC] Set Bus Clock as HS50(MHz) Success!,src 3 ,mode 0, div 2
Use NEW AutoK idea ,ignore the old ett param
[MSDC] Set pad driving as 1 !
get_mmcsize emmc_size2 0x00000003 a3e00000
Saved info: id1 = 0x66cd5206, id2=0x951b4a54,flag 0xaabbccdd,speedmode 5, dlycell 79
Support HS400, card type ext_csd[196]0x57
Support HS200, card type ext_csd[196]0x57
u4mask = 0x3
Cur info: id1 = 0x66cd5206, id2=0x951b4a54,flag 0xaabbccdd,speedmode 5, dlycell 81
—–The information is match, Alrady run autok before, ignore this time–
[MSDC] Load Param:
—Set FIFO path and Init—
[MSDC] Clock frequency = 900 MHz, Clock period = 1111 ps, 1 delay cell = 13 ps
===========================================[QHB flag] rDtvCfg.u1Flags4 =0
[HB flag] rDtvCfg.u1Flags2 =0
[QHB flag] prLdrData->rDtvCfg.u1Flags4 = 0
[HB flag] prLdrData->rDtvCfg.u1Flags2 = 0
===========================================set 223 to low.
LOADER_MtkEnvInitFunc: PDWNC_ReadWakeupReason = 6
[2K17_gpio] AC, set EEPROM_TPV_ENABLE_QHB_ADDRESS to 0[QHB] Previous system state is on, not enter QHB.
[QHB] u1EmmcFirstBoot = 0x1
[QHB] It is not EmmcFirstBoot, do no cation with QHB.
LOADER_MtkEnvInitFunc: set ui1_reboot_event_detail to 0
LOADER_MtkEnvInitFunc: ui1_reboot_event_detail = 0 (read back)
read from eeprom ioff 0 phy_off 3360
lbz: get _u1AtmosEnable = 0
************pu1DrvLoadHdmi14Edid u1Index1= 1
lbz: get _u1AtmosEnable = 0
************pu1DrvLoadHdmi20Edid u1Index1= 1
Support network!1st MAC in EEP is valid (70:af:24:ac:74:17)
1st : (70:af:24:ac:74:17)
2nd : (70:af:24:ac:74:17)
Remove Quiet Boot misc control in eeprom when Watchdog reason.
IR DATA register : 0x 0
T8032 init A/C on case loader stage…
Load T8032 FW (addr: 0x d63fac, size: 24849)success!!
T8032 FW version: 6
T8032 change to loader stage…
header check ok
digest check ok
read done
ConsoleLock_to_T8032 (0x0)
LDR_FlashCopy 0xf010 0x71c80 0x80
LOADER_MtkEnvInitFunc : ui4_RebootEventDetailEepAddr = 0xa1a
===========================================[QHB flag] rDtvCfg.u1Flags4 =0
[HB flag] rDtvCfg.u1Flags2 =0
[QHB flag] prLdrData->rDtvCfg.u1Flags4 = 0
[HB flag] prLdrData->rDtvCfg.u1Flags2 = 0
===========================================set 223 to low.
header check ok
digest check ok
read done
writer done
header check ok
digest check ok
read done
Uart Rx disabled
header check ok
digest check ok
read done
ConsoleLock_to_T8032 (0x0)
[UPG upgrade ~ PDWNC_WAKE_UP_REASON_AC_POWER] u1SlicneUpgradeStatus = 0
Org:0x30 Flags:0x30Before u1EmmcFirstBoot = 0x1
Do not need to configure boot flag
After EmmcFirstBoot Org:0x30 Flags:0x30After u1EmmcFirstBoot = 0x1PDWNC_Init
normal cold boot ui1_silent_reboot = 0
After check ui1_silent_reboot, [QHB]u1Flags4: org=0, flag4=0
ui4_CtnEepAddr : 0x980
CTN is not XXPUS9104
u1RedLedBriValue : 15
[OLED Tcon error handle][GPIO_MtkPowerOnFunc 1350]display_techonlogy = 1
[OLED Tcon error handle][GPIO_MtkPowerOnFunc 1354] EEPROM_TCON_ERROR_COUNT = 3
[Silent upgrade check][GPIO_MtkPowerOnFunc 1360] SILENT_UPGRADE_STATUS_ADDRESS = 0
[OLED Tcon error handle][GPIO_MtkPowerOnFunc 1368]EEPROM_TCON_ERROR_COUNT>=3, power off FRC
keep FRC power rDtvCfg.u1Flags4 = 0, PDWNC_ReadWakeupReason() = 6
After FRC power, [QHB]u1Flags4: org=0, flag4=0
<GPIO_MtkPowerOnFunc> set 223 low.
USB0: Set GPIO42 = 1.
USB1: Set GPIO43 = 1.
USB2: Set GPIO44 = 1.
USB3: Set GPIO210 = 1.
Normal Boot (Not Quiet Boot)
Display 0x00e775b4 background:0x00000000
|||||||u1FRC = au1Index 1;
[GraphMode_SetPanelType] panel_type=5
[GraphMode_SetPanelType] panel_type=1Hardcode panel id 11 for EU11 with NT334…
[opcode::UHD=2,HDR=3,FRC=1,BACKENDPQ=0,FLIP/MIRROR=0,Channel decode 5,Frequency=1,DNM=2,IsMjcSup=51, Panel id =1,opcode end&&&&&&]
[Dynamic PNL] Find VideoModeAttribute[116]: PNL_Index=0x6000b
[DisplayInit]EU=0x39, US=0x0
[SA7] vDDDSInit
[DisplayInit] ##1 SV_DCLK_50HZ
|||||||u1FRC = au1Index 1;
###VbyOne VOPLLInit finsih###vDrvSetOCLKClockSchemaInit.
###VbyOne VOPLLSet finsih###[SA7] _fgVopllUseDDDS = True
@vDrvSetVOPLLClockSchema –>normal
[LVDS] VOPLL Initialize successful !
vApiPanelPowerSequence= TRUE (START)VB1 VB1 impedance cal pass and value =3 ……………..
VB1 VB1 impedance cal set to default terminaion 8…………………….
[VB1][LOCKN] 0x709c set to FUNCTION2
[VB1][HTPDN] 0x7097 set to FUNCTION2
[VB1][SetPadOn] GM_LANE_1
[VB1][SetPadOn] u1LaneCnt=2, u1GraphLaneCnt=10
LVDSA_EXT_EN: B11 B10 B9 B8 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0
LADSA_pad: ECK(L9) E4(L11) E3(L10) E2(L8) E1(L7) E0(L6) OCK(L3) O4(L5) O3(L4) O2(L2) O1(L1) O0(L0)
u2PadOn=0x1, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=8
au4PadRemapTbl[0]= 0
u2PadOn=0x3, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=9
au4PadRemapTbl[1]= 1
u2PadOn=0x3, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=10
au4PadRemapTbl[2]= 2
u2PadOn=0x3, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=11
au4PadRemapTbl[3]= 5
u2PadOn=0xb, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=0
au4PadRemapTbl[4]= 3
u2PadOn=0x1b, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=1
au4PadRemapTbl[5]= 4
u2PadOn=0x1b, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=2
au4PadRemapTbl[6]= 6
u2PadOn=0x1b, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=3
au4PadRemapTbl[7]= 7
u2PadOn=0x1b, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=4
au4PadRemapTbl[8]= 8
u2PadOn=0x1b, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=5
au4PadRemapTbl[9]= 11
u2PadOn=0x1b, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=6
au4PadRemapTbl[10]= 9
u2PadOn=0x1b, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=7
au4PadRemapTbl[11]= 10
[VB1][SetPadOn] LVDSA_EXT_EN=0x1b
[LVDS][backlight] DeltaTime=0 us–>no need to enable BL_DLYTIME_CUT!!
LDR_isRecoveryMode function call start
LDR_PanelLogo b_Result == TRUE.
LDR_OsdDisplay(14, 0x371e0000, 1, 1)
[OSD]Before PQ Module offset:i4H=402 i4V=6
[OSD]DBG XvYCC bypass
[OSD]DBG Gamma position 0 or 1
[OSD]After PQ Module offset:i4H=259 i4V=6
display_techonlogy = 1
CTN = 55OLED803/12
OLED,delay 5 seconds for logo showing
ui1_CtnBuf[6] = 0x38 ,ui1_CtnBuf[7] = 0x30 ,ui1_CtnBuf[8] = 0x33
CTN is not XXOLED903, no need to show B&W logo
u4UpgUpgrading = 0
[LDR]_factoryCmdUpgradeByFunctionType_init is called
[LDR] ui4_upgradeDeviceTypeAddr : 0x7200
[LDR] ui1_upgradeDeviceType : 0x0
[LDR] ui1_functionType : 0xff
[LDR]_factoryCmdUpgradeByFunctionType_isSkipUpgradeEnabled is called, ui1_functionType == 4
[LDR]_factoryCmdUpgradeByFunctionType_isSkipUpgradeEnabled return FALSEDo USB upgrade
u1USBBlock = 0x017d1b40
USB: Vbus turn up time = 8415 ms, Max =0 ms.
USB-0: insert.
USB-0: ClassCode= 0x8, u4Diff=156 ms.USB DETECT
Wait USB medium to be mounted…
USB Medium on Device, Time = 1264 ms.
USB block size = 512 bytes.
/dev is created.
/mnt is already existed. That is OK.
/dev/usb is created.
/mnt/usb_0 is created.
/dev/usb_0 is mounted as /mnt/usb_0.
[FRC] OPPLF NVM 0x470: 0xa1
[FRC] OPFRC NVM 0x461: 0x2c
[FRC] BL TYPE NVM 0x469: 0x8b
[FRC] OPFRC: 0x01, BL TYPE: 0x00, Platform: 2K18
[FRC] tpv_nt334_2k18_isp.bin is not found
[FRC] tpv_nt334_2k18_data_isp.bin is not foundFWUUTPV Upgrade
[LDR] ////////////////////////////////////Custom_pkg check start
[LDR]_factoryCmdUpgradeByFunctionType_isSkipUpgradeEnabled is called, ui1_functionType == 0
[LDR]_factoryCmdUpgradeByFunctionType_isSkipUpgradeEnabled return FALSE
Prefix = 2K17CTV_MSAF_MTK5596
.Upgrade file not found ![LDR] ////////////////////////////////////Custom_pkg check end
[LDR] ////////////////////////////////////Custom_nvm check start
.[LDR]_factoryCmdUpgradeByFunctionType_isSkipUpgradeEnabled is called, ui1_functionType == 1
[LDR]_factoryCmdUpgradeByFunctionType_isSkipUpgradeEnabled return FALSE
[LDR]_factoryCmdUpgradeByFunctionType_isSkipUpgradeEnabled is called, ui1_functionType == 3
[LDR]_factoryCmdUpgradeByFunctionType_isSkipUpgradeEnabled return FALSE[LDR] ////////////////////////////////////Custom_nvm check end
[LDR] ////////////////////////////////////Standard_pkg/Standard_NVM check start
ac_usbFileName := .
i1_fileNameTokenCount == 1. No matching case.
e_fileType := 4
ac_usbFileName := ..
i1_fileNameTokenCount == 1. No matching case.
e_fileType := 4
ac_usbFileName := System Volume Information
i1_fileNameTokenCount == 1. No matching case.
e_fileType := 4
ac_usbFileName := autorun.upg
i1_fileNameTokenCount == 1. No matching case.
e_fileType := 4
ac_usbFileName := toaz.info-tpm181e-la-312278520746-181229-pr_94519f144ba61eb6a8f2398119478dfd.pdf
i1_fileNameTokenCount == 2. No matching case.
e_fileType := 4
SFT_none…[LDR] ////////////////////////////////////Standard_pkg/Standard_NVM check end
[LDR] ////////////////////////////////////_szFileName write start
[LDR]Upgrade PKG file is not found ![LDR] ////////////////////////////////////_szFileName write end
Error: Open file upgrade_loader.pkg fail,
Error: No valid upgrade file found
USB upgrade stop
No cookie file or no Usb detected…
Call LDR_setUnBoxUpgradeNvmFlag at line:1444
@ui4_unboxEepAddr is 0x3177
@ui1_unboxEepBuffer[0] is 0
@ui1_unboxEepBuffer[1] is 0
[ACD Loader] 12V status = 1,continue booting.recovery_opcodebefore_ui1_raw_data_1[0]_2[0]_3[0]= 0xfa 0xfa 0xfa
before_ui1_raw_data_1[1]_2[1]_3[1]= 0x2c 0x2c 0x2c
before_ui1_raw_data_1[2]_2[2]_3[2]= 0x33 0x33 0x33
before_ui1_raw_data_1[3]_2[3]_3[3]= 0x50 0x50 0x50
before_ui1_raw_data_1[4]_2[4]_3[4]= 0x3b 0x3b 0x3b
before_ui1_raw_data_1[5]_2[5]_3[5]= 0x50 0x50 0x50
before_ui1_raw_data_1[6]_2[6]_3[6]= 0x00 0x00 0x00
before_ui1_raw_data_1[7]_2[7]_3[7]= 0x8b 0x8b 0x8b
before_ui1_raw_data_1[8]_2[8]_3[8]= 0x03 0x03 0x03
before_ui1_raw_data_1[9]_2[9]_3[9]= 0xc3 0xc3 0xc3
before_ui1_raw_data_1[10]_2[10]_3[10]= 0xf4 0xf4 0xf4
before_ui1_raw_data_1[11]_2[11]_3[11]= 0xf6 0xf6 0xf6
before_ui1_raw_data_1[12]_2[12]_3[12]= 0x15 0x15 0x15
before_ui1_raw_data_1[13]_2[13]_3[13]= 0x16 0x16 0x16
before_ui1_raw_data_1[14]_2[14]_3[14]= 0x33 0x33 0x33
before_ui1_raw_data_1[15]_2[15]_3[15]= 0x90 0x90 0x90
before_ui1_raw_data_1[16]_2[16]_3[16]= 0xa1 0xa1 0xa1
before_ui1_raw_data_1[17]_2[17]_3[17]= 0x01 0x01 0x01recovery_opcode(3)
recovery_opcode(4)after_ui1_raw_data_1[0]_2[0]_3[0]=0xfa 0xfa 0xfa
after_ui1_raw_data_1[1]_2[1]_3[1]=0x2c 0x2c 0x2c
after_ui1_raw_data_1[2]_2[2]_3[2]=0x33 0x33 0x33
after_ui1_raw_data_1[3]_2[3]_3[3]=0x50 0x50 0x50
after_ui1_raw_data_1[4]_2[4]_3[4]=0x3b 0x3b 0x3b
after_ui1_raw_data_1[5]_2[5]_3[5]=0x50 0x50 0x50
after_ui1_raw_data_1[6]_2[6]_3[6]=0x00 0x00 0x00
after_ui1_raw_data_1[7]_2[7]_3[7]=0x8b 0x8b 0x8b
after_ui1_raw_data_1[8]_2[8]_3[8]=0x03 0x03 0x03
after_ui1_raw_data_1[9]_2[9]_3[9]=0xc3 0xc3 0xc3
after_ui1_raw_data_1[10]_2[10]_3[10]=0xf4 0xf4 0xf4
after_ui1_raw_data_1[11]_2[11]_3[11]=0xf6 0xf6 0xf6
after_ui1_raw_data_1[12]_2[12]_3[12]=0x15 0x15 0x15
after_ui1_raw_data_1[13]_2[13]_3[13]=0x16 0x16 0x16
after_ui1_raw_data_1[14]_2[14]_3[14]=0x33 0x33 0x33
after_ui1_raw_data_1[15]_2[15]_3[15]=0x90 0x90 0x90
after_ui1_raw_data_1[16]_2[16]_3[16]=0xa1 0xa1 0xa1
after_ui1_raw_data_1[17]_2[17]_3[17]=0x01 0x01 0x01[CMain 1070][OLED Tcon error handle]display_techonlogy = 1
[CMain 1079][OLED Tcon error handle]EEPROM_TCON_ERROR_COUNT=3.
[CMain 1082][OLED Tcon error handle]Go into protection mode.
Disable VGA wakeup
support WOL
_PDWNC_SetupEthernetWakeup(WOL):u4WOWLVal:0x0wol off, MAC register switch to arm
[GPIO_MtkPowerOffFunc]1453 set GPIO 223, value 0.
set GPIO 207, value 0.
PDWNC_TPV_SetupWakeupSourceWOWLAN: u1Wowlan = 0
PDWNC_TPV_SetupWakeupSourceWOWLAN: uiSwitchOnWithchromecast = 0
CTN is not XXPUS9104
u1RedLedBriValue : 15
PDWNC_TPV_SetupSilentReboot: ui1_silent_reboot = 0
PDWNC_TPV_SetupSilentReboot: no need to setup register time of silent reboot
SIF_Master0: V2 design
SIF_Master1: V2 design
SIF_Master2: V2 design
SIF_Master3: V2 design
SIF_Master4: V2 design
Master5 only Used in secure mode!
Now is writting DIV_SEL as 0x78!
▒T8032 vSetTimer▒(TconError has detected, Blinking the Led▒ TPV_5MIN_WAKEUP_FROM_STANBY ▒(DC Wakeu▒Boot-set res5 0
Preloader T8032 ack !PCB config=1, PCB ckeck=0
DRAM Channel A Calibration.
DRAM A Size = 1024 Mbytes.
DRAM Channel B Calibration.
DRAM B Size = 1024 Mbytes.
DRAM Channel C Calibration.
DRAM C Size = 512 Mbytes.
Start Pmain
EMMC bootCID:0xdcdb66cd
LZHS addr:0x00100040
LZHS size:0x00176848
LZHS checksum:0x00000034
LZHS size:0x00176848
store RSA & AES keys in DMX SRAM
LZHS begin
Start LmainPOWER ON
MT5891 Boot Loader v0.9
[Check Recovery mode KEY]========================================
[Check Recovery mode KEY]PDWNC_ReadWakeupReason: 64
[Check Recovery mode KEY]PDWNC_ReadWakeupReason: 40
[Check Recovery mode KEY]PDWNC_ReadServoADCChannelValue: 1023
[Check Recovery mode KEY]PDWNC_ReadServoADCChannelValue: 3ff
[Check Recovery mode KEY]========================================
[Check Recovery mode KEY] nothing happened.
LOADER_MtkEnvInitFunc : ui4_RebootEventDetailEepAddr = 0xa1a
[MSDC] ext_csd is empty
get_mmcsize emmc_size2 0x00000000 00000000
[MSDC] ext_csd is empty
get_mmcsize emmc_size2 0x00000000 00000000
[MSDC] ext_csd is empty
get_mmcsize emmc_size2 0x00000000 00000000
[MSDC] ext_csd is empty
get_mmcsize emmc_size2 0x00000000 00000000
==Loader emmc pinmux set result 0x1000a0, arbitor 0x20
Init config, cid = 0x15010041, dsc=0xdcdb66cd,rca=0x5206951b,ocr=0x4a544434
[MSDC] 15010041:4a544434:5206951b:dcdb66cd
[MSDC] id1:00414a54 id2:44345206
—Set FIFO path and Init—
[MSDC] Set Bus Clock as HS25(MHz) Success!,src 3 ,mode 0, div 4
Use NEW AutoK idea ,ignore the old ett param
[MSDC] Set pad driving as 1 !
[eMMC2DRAM]enter into SDR50 Mode, max dtr 200000000
[MSDC] Set Bus Clock as HS0(MHz) Success!,src 0 ,mode 0, div 16
Use NEW AutoK idea ,ignore the old ett param
[MSDC] Set pad driving as 0 !
[MSDC] Set Bus Clock as HS50(MHz) Success!,src 3 ,mode 0, div 2
Use NEW AutoK idea ,ignore the old ett param
[MSDC] Set pad driving as 1 !
get_mmcsize emmc_size2 0x00000003 a3e00000
Saved info: id1 = 0x66cd5206, id2=0x951b4a54,flag 0xaabbccdd,speedmode 5, dlycell 79
Support HS400, card type ext_csd[196]0x57
Support HS200, card type ext_csd[196]0x57
u4mask = 0x3
Cur info: id1 = 0x66cd5206, id2=0x951b4a54,flag 0xaabbccdd,speedmode 5, dlycell 74
—–The information is match, Alrady run autok before, ignore this time–
[MSDC] Load Param:
—Set FIFO path and Init—
[MSDC] Clock frequency = 900 MHz, Clock period = 1111 ps, 1 delay cell = 15 ps
===========================================[QHB flag] rDtvCfg.u1Flags4 =0
[HB flag] rDtvCfg.u1Flags2 =0
[QHB flag] prLdrData->rDtvCfg.u1Flags4 = 0
[HB flag] prLdrData->rDtvCfg.u1Flags2 = 0
===========================================set 223 to low.
LOADER_MtkEnvInitFunc: PDWNC_ReadWakeupReason = 64
LOADER_MtkEnvInitFunc: Not found match cases for wakeup reason, u4Val = 64
Support network!1st MAC in EEP is valid (70:af:24:ac:74:17)
1st : (70:af:24:ac:74:17)
2nd : (70:af:24:ac:74:17)
IR DATA register : 0x 0
T8032 init A/C on case loader stage…
Load T8032 FW (addr: 0x d63fac, size: 24849)success!!
T8032 FW version: 6
T8032 change to loader stage…
header check ok
digest check ok
read done
ConsoleLock_to_T8032 (0x0)
LDR_FlashCopy 0xf010 0x71c80 0x80
LOADER_MtkEnvInitFunc : ui4_RebootEventDetailEepAddr = 0xa1a
===========================================[QHB flag] rDtvCfg.u1Flags4 =0
[HB flag] rDtvCfg.u1Flags2 =0
[QHB flag] prLdrData->rDtvCfg.u1Flags4 = 0
[HB flag] prLdrData->rDtvCfg.u1Flags2 = 0
===========================================set 223 to low.
header check ok
digest check ok
read done
writer done
header check ok
digest check ok
read done
Uart Rx disabled
header check ok
digest check ok
read done
ConsoleLock_to_T8032 (0x0)
[_LdrDetermineEnterStandby 416] not PDWNC_WAKE_UP_REASON_AC_POWER
[UPG upgrade ~ not PDWNC_WAKE_UP_REASON_AC_POWER] u1SlicneUpgradeStatus = 0
normal cold boot ui1_silent_reboot = 0
After check ui1_silent_reboot, [QHB]u1Flags4: org=0, flag4=0
ui4_CtnEepAddr : 0x980
CTN is not XXPUS9104
u1RedLedBriValue : 15
[OLED Tcon error handle][GPIO_MtkPowerOnFunc 1350]display_techonlogy = 1
[OLED Tcon error handle][GPIO_MtkPowerOnFunc 1354] EEPROM_TCON_ERROR_COUNT = 3
[Silent upgrade check][GPIO_MtkPowerOnFunc 1360] SILENT_UPGRADE_STATUS_ADDRESS = 0
[OLED Tcon error handle][GPIO_MtkPowerOnFunc 1368]EEPROM_TCON_ERROR_COUNT>=3, power off FRC
keep FRC power rDtvCfg.u1Flags4 = 0, PDWNC_ReadWakeupReason() = 64
After FRC power, [QHB]u1Flags4: org=0, flag4=0
<GPIO_MtkPowerOnFunc> set 223 low.
USB0: Set GPIO42 = 1.
USB1: Set GPIO43 = 1.
USB2: Set GPIO44 = 1.
USB3: Set GPIO210 = 1.
Normal Boot (Not Quiet Boot)
Display 0x00e775b4 background:0x00000000
|||||||u1FRC = au1Index 1;
[GraphMode_SetPanelType] panel_type=5
[GraphMode_SetPanelType] panel_type=1Hardcode panel id 11 for EU11 with NT334…
[opcode::UHD=2,HDR=3,FRC=1,BACKENDPQ=0,FLIP/MIRROR=0,Channel decode 5,Frequency=1,DNM=2,IsMjcSup=51, Panel id =1,opcode end&&&&&&]
[Dynamic PNL] Find VideoModeAttribute[116]: PNL_Index=0x6000b
[DisplayInit]EU=0x39, US=0x0
[SA7] vDDDSInit
[DisplayInit] ##1 SV_DCLK_50HZ
|||||||u1FRC = au1Index 1;
###VbyOne VOPLLInit finsih###vDrvSetOCLKClockSchemaInit.
###VbyOne VOPLLSet finsih###[SA7] _fgVopllUseDDDS = True
@vDrvSetVOPLLClockSchema –>normal
[LVDS] VOPLL Initialize successful !
vApiPanelPowerSequence= TRUE (START)VB1 VB1 impedance cal pass and value =3 ……………..
VB1 VB1 impedance cal set to default terminaion 8…………………….
[VB1][LOCKN] 0x709c set to FUNCTION2
[VB1][HTPDN] 0x7097 set to FUNCTION2
[VB1][SetPadOn] GM_LANE_1
[VB1][SetPadOn] u1LaneCnt=2, u1GraphLaneCnt=10
LVDSA_EXT_EN: B11 B10 B9 B8 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0
LADSA_pad: ECK(L9) E4(L11) E3(L10) E2(L8) E1(L7) E0(L6) OCK(L3) O4(L5) O3(L4) O2(L2) O1(L1) O0(L0)
u2PadOn=0x1, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=8
au4PadRemapTbl[0]= 0
u2PadOn=0x3, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=9
au4PadRemapTbl[1]= 1
u2PadOn=0x3, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=10
au4PadRemapTbl[2]= 2
u2PadOn=0x3, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=11
au4PadRemapTbl[3]= 5
u2PadOn=0xb, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=0
au4PadRemapTbl[4]= 3
u2PadOn=0x1b, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=1
au4PadRemapTbl[5]= 4
u2PadOn=0x1b, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=2
au4PadRemapTbl[6]= 6
u2PadOn=0x1b, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=3
au4PadRemapTbl[7]= 7
u2PadOn=0x1b, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=4
au4PadRemapTbl[8]= 8
u2PadOn=0x1b, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=5
au4PadRemapTbl[9]= 11
u2PadOn=0x1b, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=6
au4PadRemapTbl[10]= 9
u2PadOn=0x1b, pu4LaneMap[u1Lane]=7
au4PadRemapTbl[11]= 10
[VB1][SetPadOn] LVDSA_EXT_EN=0x1b
[LVDS][backlight] DeltaTime=0 us–>no need to enable BL_DLYTIME_CUT!!
LDR_isRecoveryMode function call start
LDR_PanelLogo b_Result == TRUE.
LDR_OsdDisplay(14, 0x371e0000, 1, 1)
[OSD]Before PQ Module offset:i4H=402 i4V=6
[OSD]DBG XvYCC bypass
[OSD]DBG Gamma position 0 or 1
[OSD]After PQ Module offset:i4H=259 i4V=6
display_techonlogy = 1
CTN = 55OLED803/12
OLED,delay 5 seconds for logo showing
ui1_CtnBuf[6] = 0x38 ,ui1_CtnBuf[7] = 0x30 ,ui1_CtnBuf[8] = 0x33
CTN is not XXOLED903, no need to show B&W logo
u4UpgUpgrading = 0
[LDR]_factoryCmdUpgradeByFunctionType_init is called
[LDR] ui4_upgradeDeviceTypeAddr : 0x7200
[LDR] ui1_upgradeDeviceType : 0x0
[LDR] ui1_functionType : 0xff
[LDR]_factoryCmdUpgradeByFunctionType_isSkipUpgradeEnabled is called, ui1_functionType == 4
[LDR]_factoryCmdUpgradeByFunctionType_isSkipUpgradeEnabled return FALSEDo USB upgrade
u1USBBlock = 0x017cec00
USB: Vbus turn up time = 8356 ms, Max =0 ms.No USB device.
/dev is created.
/mnt is already existed. That is OK.
/dev/msdc is created.
/mnt/msdc_0 is created.
ERR: mount /dev/msdc_0 as /mnt/msdc_0 fail.
return value:-25Error: SD mount fail, USB upgrade stop
No cookie file or no Usb detected…
Call LDR_setUnBoxUpgradeNvmFlag at line:1444
@ui4_unboxEepAddr is 0x3177
@ui1_unboxEepBuffer[0] is 0
@ui1_unboxEepBuffer[1] is 0
[ACD Loader] 12V status = 1,continue booting.recovery_opcodebefore_ui1_raw_data_1[0]_2[0]_3[0]= 0xfa 0xfa 0xfa
before_ui1_raw_data_1[1]_2[1]_3[1]= 0x2c 0x2c 0x2c
before_ui1_raw_data_1[2]_2[2]_3[2]= 0x33 0x33 0x33
before_ui1_raw_data_1[3]_2[3]_3[3]= 0x50 0x50 0x50
before_ui1_raw_data_1[4]_2[4]_3[4]= 0x3b 0x3b 0x3b
before_ui1_raw_data_1[5]_2[5]_3[5]= 0x50 0x50 0x50
before_ui1_raw_data_1[6]_2[6]_3[6]= 0x00 0x00 0x00
before_ui1_raw_data_1[7]_2[7]_3[7]= 0x8b 0x8b 0x8b
before_ui1_raw_data_1[8]_2[8]_3[8]= 0x03 0x03 0x03
before_ui1_raw_data_1[9]_2[9]_3[9]= 0xc3 0xc3 0xc3
before_ui1_raw_data_1[10]_2[10]_3[10]= 0xf4 0xf4 0xf4
before_ui1_raw_data_1[11]_2[11]_3[11]= 0xf6 0xf6 0xf6
before_ui1_raw_data_1[12]_2[12]_3[12]= 0x15 0x15 0x15
before_ui1_raw_data_1[13]_2[13]_3[13]= 0x16 0x16 0x16
before_ui1_raw_data_1[14]_2[14]_3[14]= 0x33 0x33 0x33
before_ui1_raw_data_1[15]_2[15]_3[15]= 0x90 0x90 0x90
before_ui1_raw_data_1[16]_2[16]_3[16]= 0xa1 0xa1 0xa1
before_ui1_raw_data_1[17]_2[17]_3[17]= 0x01 0x01 0x01recovery_opcode(3)
recovery_opcode(4)after_ui1_raw_data_1[0]_2[0]_3[0]=0xfa 0xfa 0xfa
after_ui1_raw_data_1[1]_2[1]_3[1]=0x2c 0x2c 0x2c
after_ui1_raw_data_1[2]_2[2]_3[2]=0x33 0x33 0x33
after_ui1_raw_data_1[3]_2[3]_3[3]=0x50 0x50 0x50
after_ui1_raw_data_1[4]_2[4]_3[4]=0x3b 0x3b 0x3b
after_ui1_raw_data_1[5]_2[5]_3[5]=0x50 0x50 0x50
after_ui1_raw_data_1[6]_2[6]_3[6]=0x00 0x00 0x00
after_ui1_raw_data_1[7]_2[7]_3[7]=0x8b 0x8b 0x8b
after_ui1_raw_data_1[8]_2[8]_3[8]=0x03 0x03 0x03
after_ui1_raw_data_1[9]_2[9]_3[9]=0xc3 0xc3 0xc3
after_ui1_raw_data_1[10]_2[10]_3[10]=0xf4 0xf4 0xf4
after_ui1_raw_data_1[11]_2[11]_3[11]=0xf6 0xf6 0xf6
after_ui1_raw_data_1[12]_2[12]_3[12]=0x15 0x15 0x15
after_ui1_raw_data_1[13]_2[13]_3[13]=0x16 0x16 0x16
after_ui1_raw_data_1[14]_2[14]_3[14]=0x33 0x33 0x33
after_ui1_raw_data_1[15]_2[15]_3[15]=0x90 0x90 0x90
after_ui1_raw_data_1[16]_2[16]_3[16]=0xa1 0xa1 0xa1
after_ui1_raw_data_1[17]_2[17]_3[17]=0x01 0x01 0x01[CMain 1070][OLED Tcon error handle]display_techonlogy = 1
[CMain 1079][OLED Tcon error handle]EEPROM_TCON_ERROR_COUNT=3.
[CMain 1082][OLED Tcon error handle]Go into protection mode.
Disable VGA wakeup
support WOL
_PDWNC_SetupEthernetWakeup(WOL):u4WOWLVal:0x0wol off, MAC register switch to arm
[GPIO_MtkPowerOffFunc]1453 set GPIO 223, value 0.
set GPIO 207, value 0.
PDWNC_TPV_SetupWakeupSourceWOWLAN: u1Wowlan = 0
PDWNC_TPV_SetupWakeupSourceWOWLAN: uiSwitchOnWithchromecast = 0
CTN is not XXPUS9104
u1RedLedBriValue : 15
PDWNC_TPV_SetupSilentReboot: ui1_silent_reboot = 0
PDWNC_TPV_SetupSilentReboot: no need to setup register time of silent reboot
SIF_Master0: V2 design
SIF_Master1: V2 design
SIF_Master2: V2 design
SIF_Master3: V2 design
SIF_Master4: V2 design
Master5 only Used in secure mode!
Now is writting DIV_SEL as 0x78!
▒T8032 vSetTimer▒(TconError has detected, Blinking the LedHi,
[OLED Tcon error handle]display_techonlogy = 1
[CMain 1079][OLED Tcon error handle]EEPROM_TCON_ERROR_COUNT=3.
[CMain 1082][OLED Tcon error handle]Go into protection mode.try the upgrade_loader version (put all files on USB)… if this does not help, send me an email with a photo with the sticker on the back of your TV.