Anleitung: Auflösung und Statistiken in Amazon Prime Video App anzeigen (Android TV)

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  • Dieses Thema hat 51 Antworten sowie 2 Teilnehmer und wurde zuletzt vor vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat von Uli aktualisiert.
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  • #192367 Antworten


      Amazon kann auch einfach einen Schalter umgelegt haben, dass UHD und HDR wieder geht. Das geht remote, ohne irgendwelche App-Updates…


      #192375 Antworten

        I can also confirm that hdr10+ is working again, but you don’t know in advance if the stream is hdr, no icon is shown. you Will see it right below on your screen. Same area in case you’re checking dolby vision of dolby atmos stream in Netflix.

        Unfortunately still no dolby atmos… (Thru dd5.1+)

        #192395 Antworten

          Auf meinem 50PUS8505/12 funktioniert nun auch HDR mit der Prime Video App. Angezeigt wird HDR 10+ angezeigt.

          Dies geschah erst, als ich Update von der genannten App erneut deinstalliert und anschließend den Speicher gelöscht habe und anschließend die Prime Video App erneut auf aktuellem Stand gebracht habe.

          Nun fehlt noch HDR oder Dolby Vision via Disney+ App.

          #192399 Antworten

            Yes, HDR10+ also works again with the internal Prime App on my 55OLED804.
            @Kelvin: when starting with HDR-Content (e.g. Jack Ryan), my OLED804 presents the message “HDR10+” right below for a few secondes, and in addition you can deal with the HDR-Options in the picture-menu again.
            I also had to update the Prime App (and in addition I found somemore updates for system apps, which were presented automatically in the App Update Menu). Reason was, that I had downgraded the Amazon App to its factory status before.
            I also can confirm, that Dolby Atmos won’t work with the internal Amazon Prime App (Jack Ryan, english lanugage version), up to now only with an external streaming-device: in my case with the chromcast Ultra 4 (with “Google TV”).
            (No problem for me, because I don’t use a external sound bar).
            Netflix Streams (internal app) have continuously worked in Dolby Vision and in Dolby Atmos, also with des short message “Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos right below.
            Mayby you have canceled the message in the picture menu of your TV?

            #192448 Antworten

              Uli, yes i know hdr 10+ is working and it popups indeed in the right Bottom of the screen but what i meant with the icon is when you are on a tile of a serie/movie, it shows Ad, 5.1, subtitle etc… In the past it used to show an icon/small image with the highest available stream format
              like SDD/HD/4K/HDR.

              And It’s a pity that the app still doesn’t support dolby atmos while other major brands like Sony (android tv os), Samsung, lg and Panasonic does support dolby atmos on their prime smart app. It looks like Philips/tp vision is the party that doesn’t cooperate with Amazon to have it supported as seen in this link;

              #192456 Antworten

                Hi Kelvin,
                yes I also can confirm that actually there are no HDR/HDR10+ Icons visible within the (internal) Prime App. Nevertehless, as you have mentioned, Prime is streaming in HDR10+ again.
                I suppose Amazon will also provide a fix for this – these icons are controlled automatically in order to the abilites of the device or/and the connection speed.
                Atmos is really annoying, that’s true. I hope that Prime also will start it, just like HDR.

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              Antwort auf: Anleitung: Auflösung und Statistiken in Amazon Prime Video App anzeigen (Android TV)
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