Philips: Neue Firmware für 2019/2020er TVs mit Android TV 11 (TPM191E:

Erfahrungen, Feedback und Bugmeldungen zu einzelnen Firmware-Versionen
  • 2020: OLED935, OLED865, OLED855, OLED805, OLED705, 9435, 9235, 9005, 8555, 8545, 8535, 8505
  • 2019: 65OLED984, OLED934, OLED854, OLED804, 8804, 8204, 7504, 7394, 7354, 7334, 7304
  • Dieses Thema hat 367 Antworten sowie 2 Teilnehmer und wurde zuletzt vor vor 2 Tage, 16 Stunden von Jan Meier aktualisiert.
Ansicht von 7 Antworten – 361 bis 367 (von insgesamt 367)
  • Autor
  • #209494 Antworten


      Disabling the message is not enough. You have to block a URL, otherwise the firmware will be installed automatically at some point.
      Look here:

      Howto/Anleitung: Automatische Philips TV-Firmware-Updates verhindern

      By the way, you are not in the thread for the current firmware (
      You can find it here:

      Philips: Neue Firmware für 2019/2020er TVs mit Android TV 11 (TPM191E:

      #209500 Antworten


        Thanks for your valuable information. Unfortunately my router does not allow URL blocking (it does not have parental controls). It also does not allow you to modify or change DNS. I would have the option of using the opendns option but it is not clear to me how to make it work on my TV. I suppose that by creating an opendns account linked to my dynamic public IP I would have to continually have the script open on my PC so that it makes the change every time the dynamic IP is modified. I know that I have to set a static IP on my Philips TV and I know how to do that, but since my IP is dynamic it will change from time to time.

        #209509 Antworten


          Have a look at this thread, where simple options are discussed without blocking URLs:

          Howto/Anleitung: Automatische Philips TV-Firmware-Updates verhindern

          However, I have not tried this myself and do not know what works and blocks an automatically executed firmware update in the long term.
          I myself use the latest ATV 11 firmware and have no problems with it after performing a factory reset.

          #209510 Antworten


            always try a factory reset first, before downgrading…


            #212879 Antworten
            Jan Meier

              For a few days a new version 248 could be downloaded through the internet!

              #212880 Antworten
                #212881 Antworten
                Jan Meier


                  Seems that I missed a newer thread. Sorry!



                Ansicht von 7 Antworten – 361 bis 367 (von insgesamt 367)
                Antwort auf: Antwort #207678 in Philips: Neue Firmware für 2019/2020er TVs mit Android TV 11 (TPM191E:
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