Google aktiviert HDR bei YouTube auf 2017-2019er Philips TVs (Plattform TPM171E)

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  • #188297 Antworten

      Does it need an update to Youtube App ?
      or it should work automatically ?

      With the last Oreo update(7303) it wont load hdr version in 4k for hdr videos.

      #188298 Antworten

        Tested and works perfectly on television 7502/12. A pity that they don’t add official support for any resolution and 60FPS, all resolutions can be set at maximum 30FPS. Although you can skip that limitation with external programs and it works perfectly.

        #188300 Antworten

          Works here without update of the YouTube app on 65PUS8102.


          #188301 Antworten

            bei meinem 9002 leider nur sehr sehr sporadisch…

            auf meinem Galaxy Tab S6 oder Note 9 sind es deutlich mehr…

            #188303 Antworten

              Sag bloß Google, Wahnsinn

              #188424 Antworten

                I checked but only few HDR videos are loading in HDR.. Tested about 20, and only 2 loaded with 9.2, On other devices la LG, all of them are loading in HDR.

                #188549 Antworten


                  After last firmware update (today) for my POS9002 YouTube shows HDR mode on videos in bt2020 but it is fake HDR. Colours are washed out and it looks awfull

                  Best fegards

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