Antwort auf: Philips: Neue Firmware für 2023/2024er High-End-TVs mit Google TV (TPM231WW:

Erfahrungen, Feedback und Bugmeldungen zu einzelnen Firmware-Versionen
  • 2024: OLED809/819/849/859/889, OLED909, OLED959
  • 2023: OLED908, OLED8x8, OLED7x8, PUS88x8, PUS85x8


    Sorry for the late answer, but I’d got a lot of work.

    So, I made some test and it seems when you turn On the Ultra Motion Clarity the TV display switch a lower, decreaded resolution. It maybe about 3840 x 1440 pixels or 1440p.

    You can see the differences on the pictures.
    As you see at the last picture the 1 px horizontal lines is not separated in UMC ON as in UMC OFF.
    And the colors, the contrast of the video is worst then UMC ON.

    43PUS8518/12 Ultra Motion Clarity resolution degrade, reduce

    This is the test video:

    But the video player shown 4K content playing, on push Info button (+).

    Of course I’d sent this pictures to the Phillips today.


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