Philips TV Line-up aller 2013er Modelle

Alle Informationen zu den einzelnen Serien der jeweiligen Jahrgänge
9708 (UHD), 8908 (DesignLine), 8708 (Elevation), 8008, 7108, 7008, 6678, 6198, 6188, 6158, 6008, 5038, 5028, 5018, 5008, 4908, 4528, 4508, 4418, 4398, 4308, 4268, 4258, 4228, 4218, 4208, 4028, 4008, 3258, 3218, 3208, 3188, 3168, 3158, 3148, 3138, 3118, 3108, 3088, 3078, 3028, 3018, 3008, 2978, 2908
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  • #178849 Antworten

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      [Vollständiger Blog-Eintrag: Philips TV Line-up aller 2013er Modelle]

    Ansicht von 4 Antworten – 16 bis 19 (von insgesamt 19)
    • Autor
    • #180796 Antworten


        try to update the latest firmware again , when you are in upgrade-mode (arrow down + ok)…


        #181246 Antworten
        Mehmet Gece

          Hello Toengel i tried but it say the software version is already installed so i can not install again.
          as usual when i plug tv then trying to turn it on by tv power button or from remote control stand by button the power light is blink while pressing power button but tv is not responding only the way when tv is plugged out i press arrow down then tv is plugged the upgrade menu comes on .what else any idea ?

          #181247 Antworten
          Mehmet Gece

            Hello toengel i tried but it says i can not install again.
            as soon as it is plugged out i press arrow down then tv is plugged the upgrade menu comes on .what else any idea?

            #181248 Antworten


              when you are in upgrade-mode try to enter service menu and load factory defaults / virgin reset…


            Ansicht von 4 Antworten – 16 bis 19 (von insgesamt 19)
            Antwort auf: Antwort #178858 in Philips TV Line-up aller 2013er Modelle
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