Philips: Neue Firmware für 2021/22er High-End-TVs mit Android TV 11 (TPM211EA:

Erfahrungen, Feedback und Bugmeldungen zu einzelnen Firmware-Versionen
  • 2022: OLED937, OLED907, OLED807, OLED837, OLED857, OLED887, OLED707, PML9507, PUS8807, PUS8837, PUS8857, PUS8887, PUS8897, PUS8507, PUS8517
  • 2021: OLED986, OLED936, OLED806, OLED856, OLED876, OLED706, PML9636, PML9506, PUS9206, PUS9006, PUS8556, PUS8546, PUS8536, PUS8506
  • Dieses Thema hat 82 Antworten sowie 2 Teilnehmer und wurde zuletzt vor vor 2 Jahren von Toengel aktualisiert.
Ansicht von 15 Antworten – 1 bis 15 (von insgesamt 82)
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  • #203936 Antworten

      Well, 65OLED807 updated to 248 firmware, NOTHING fixed!
      – Frame drop on scene change still remains!!!
      – When HDR movie in Kodi stopped picture preset stays on HDR in Kodi and in android home, it get back to normal when TV channels are selected.
      – Sharpness settings doesn’t change until value 8 when watching Kodi.
      This may be my last Philips, 1500€ TV, and have to wait one year (maybe never) to fix basic things!
      Sorry for English

      #203944 Antworten

        So ridiculous that a new FW fixed basically nothing… wow.

        #203945 Antworten

          Bin ich was froh, dass ich mich für die Rücksendung entschieden habe.

          #203966 Antworten

            Nothing of this is a failure. U have to configure kodi and your tv.

            #203967 Antworten


              ich vermute, dass diese FW gar nicht veröffentlicht werden sollen, wäre nicht der Sound-Bug da.


              #203968 Antworten

                Kodi has nothing to do with this!
                Sharpness in TV menu doesn’t change, TV doesn’t switch mode to SDR setting when HDR is stopped.
                Older 55POS9002 and other Sony TV switching to SDR preset as soon movie is stopped, and switch to HDR when movie is started.

                #203969 Antworten

                  guys, philips is no philips that was before, its a chinise firm now, and this is what you get, i think me too not gonna buy anything from them, and tell who i know to do the same

                  still runiing old firmware with android 10, coz all new updates with android 11 are buggy

                  #203970 Antworten

                    Is it safe to downgrade to android 10 frimware?

                    #203971 Antworten

                      That’s a normal problem with kodi. Just use better software like jellyfin and infuse.

                      U have the opposite problem. The profile switching is kodi stuff

                      #203972 Antworten

                        There are not a problem with android 11 not more or less like 10 or with other company.
                        Don’t think that every problem can solve with update. Cause in 98% the problem are u with your individual configuration.

                        #203973 Antworten

                          Schon das 6. Update und er kann noch immer keinen Kaffee kochen

                          #203974 Antworten

                            Wie bei Samsung , vielleicht nur einen Anpassung an den Senderlisten 😉

                            #203975 Antworten

                              Just installed the latest update, everything works as it should.
                              However, ever since the (not sure anymore) October/November update, the Google Assistant voice response to my queries is noticeably quieter than other audio sources (STB via HDMI, apps…well, everything else). It’s still there, but I have to raise volume past 20 to be able to hear it. And if I’m not quick enough to turn the volume down, the audio from whatever source will blare at me.
                              Is there a way to independently set Google Assistant voice volume (via adb or any other similar method)? Anyone else with same problem?
                              Thanks in advance (and pardon my English)

                              #203976 Antworten

                                Soundprobleme (ausstezer) in Verbindung mit Soundbar immer nicht nicht behoben :(

                                #203978 Antworten

                                  Neues Update und es gibt noch nichtmal einen Changelog für das vorhergehende Update.
                                  Egal Update wird mitgenommen, bei mir läuft die Kiste.

                                Ansicht von 15 Antworten – 1 bis 15 (von insgesamt 82)
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