Philips: Neue Firmware für 2019/2020er TVs mit Android TV 9 Pie (TPM191E:

Erfahrungen, Feedback und Bugmeldungen zu einzelnen Firmware-Versionen
  • 2020: OLED935, OLED865, OLED855, OLED805, OLED705, 9435, 9235, 9005, 8555, 8545, 8535, 8505
  • 2019: 65OLED984, OLED934, OLED854, OLED804, 8804, 8204, 7504, 7394, 7354, 7334, 7304
Ansicht von 13 Antworten – 151 bis 163 (von insgesamt 163)
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  • #200966 Antworten

      Die erwähnten Player und Kodi können alle aufs NAS zugreifen.

      #200971 Antworten

        KODI wäre jetzt auch mein Tipp gewesen(viele Einstellungsmöglichkeiten,kannst Du später auch auf DEUTSCH umstellen / Bedieneroberfläche),sollte eigentlich für das AVI-Format klappen!

        #200973 Antworten

          wie macht man Philips das jetzt klar.
          <„ Endlich wurde das Lipsync Problem <“behoben”. Leider muss man jedes mal <auf “bypass” klicken, sobald man den <Input gewechselt hat“
          Endlich MagentaTV in Dolby mit Sonos Beam ohne das der Ton 2sek hinterher hingt, aber so ist es keine gute Option.

          Gruß Eddie

          #200996 Antworten

            Ja, das frage ich mich auch. Das Problem mit dem Lipsync MUSS gelöst werden. Und so wie es nun ist, ist es keine Lösung.

            #201038 Antworten

              I have a bug with this firmware, sometimes (not everytime) with auto game mode on, when it switches it get stuck in a loop the backlight keeps flashing and it the popup for “game mode decteced” keeps popping up until i switch HDMI inputs and switch back again, very annoying, i am going to downgrade to the firmware before DTS broke and just stay there, i dont care about the Apps

              #201045 Antworten

                @Ente – I have tested few mp4 and mkv files with either DolbyVision and/or DolbyAtmos video and audio. MKV with DolbyVision is not supported by the TV internal player at all, it will fail to play. DolbyVision mp4 files play fine, just as long as they are 16:9 aspect ratio. If they are wider, the internal player will stretch them vertically, so they look bad. Also – there’s no fallback to HDR10 on such files, they either play or they don’t (many devices don’t support DV outside streaming services/BR4K playback). Well, Philips managed to play some of those files wrong, but you get the idea).
                Also – there are some files with multiple audio streams, internal player might choose different than Kodi by default, it might also just not see some of them (you can switch between them in the internal + menu). That’s why you might have been able to see Atmos popup on Kodi and not before. It could be that the file might have been muxed in some incompatible way, that’s too hard for internal player to recognize. This is a big Kodi advantage – it supports more formats (including DVIX/XVID on old AVI files), and is able to pass many of them for the TV internal decoder to use accelerated decoding (hence the Dolby Vision / Atmos popups appearing, and it does that with eg correct aspect ratio etc) – last time I tried to use VLC on this TV (I have OLED854) it mostly tried to decode everything on the TV’s CPU and it was a disaster. Also it doesn’t currently support latest MP4/MKV revisions which is required to support DV/Atmos.

                I hope this is useful info for some of you guys. I like the simplicity of the internal player, but it’s getting less and less useful with every update. Do you remember, that apart from AVI/XVID files it also used to support PGS subtitles in MKVs (those are graphic texts, just like on blurays)?

                Anyway – I’m not in any way affiliated with Maven Kodi guys, I just stumbled upon that project while searching for any way to play some DolbyVision files with wide aspect ratio and it has blown my mind. Still – it’s still easier to play those files on our TVs, than it to play them on any PC :D

                Cheers guys

                #201046 Antworten

                  Thanks a lot @PhilipsSucks for sharing your findings! Have you tried MX Player yet? How do you find it? It has a so called HW+ decoder which is a black box to me, but it plays everything I’ve thrown at it, (which is not so much 😅)

                  #201100 Antworten

                    Well I tested it quite some time ago, when Philips dropped DIVX/XVID support and I wanted to finish watching some older series – I don’t know how much changed since then, not sure how well (if at all) it supports DolbyVision (probably doesn’t at all, that Kodi build was the only thing I could find all over the internet that did), it also didn’t support DTS (even as a pass through) back then – required finding and installing additional libraries, which was problematic (some changes in newer versions made this more difficult). Anyway – I managed to make it work then, gui was fine, I just didn’t need it anymore so I uninstalled it and not revisited since then :)

                    #201200 Antworten

                      Eine neue Software ist raus (TPM191E:, also noch kein ‘großes’ Update.
                      Mal sehen, was da verbessert (oder verbockt) wurde.

                      #201206 Antworten
                        #201219 Antworten

                          Leider auch mit der neuen Firmware keine automatische Aktivierung von lipsync. Also ist der TV weiterhin ungeeignet um mit externen Lautsprechern via arc betrieben zu werden. Absolute Warnung vor dem Kauf.
                          Neu ist die Einstellung zum
                          Umgang mit HDMI CEC. Man kann einstellen, ob die Soundbar oder andere Geräte automatisch mit ein- und ausgeschaltet werden sollen.

                          #202222 Antworten

                            Does anyone have the NVM files for 55OLED805/12?

                            Thank you in advance for your help.

                            Kind regards,

                            #202224 Antworten


                              what is not working or why do you need them?


                            Ansicht von 13 Antworten – 151 bis 163 (von insgesamt 163)
                            Antwort auf: Antwort #200996 in Philips: Neue Firmware für 2019/2020er TVs mit Android TV 9 Pie (TPM191E:
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