Philips: Neue Firmware für 2019/2020er TVs mit Android TV 9 Pie (TPM191E:

Erfahrungen, Feedback und Bugmeldungen zu einzelnen Firmware-Versionen
  • 2020: OLED935, OLED865, OLED855, OLED805, OLED705, 9435, 9235, 9005, 8555, 8545, 8535, 8505
  • 2019: 65OLED984, OLED934, OLED854, OLED804, 8804, 8204, 7504, 7394, 7354, 7334, 7304
Ansicht von 15 Antworten – 166 bis 180 (von insgesamt 336)
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  • #190639 Antworten

      Try HDMI standard

      #190641 Antworten

        Hdmi standard doesnt have dolby vision.

        #190642 Antworten

          @charleyr Tried HDMI standard or full UHD , does not work. .
          As a matter of fact I can see my surround system just after the start NETFLIX Play for or a very short instant changing to Dolby digital where it should stay, but immediately after is switches to PCM which is no good => you can hear the bitrate ratteling.

          Amin the process of downgrading to older firmware . Will report here if successfull.

          #190643 Antworten

            Let me get this straight.

            nVidia shield is connected first to you Surround system and your Surround system to the TV? Or are the both connected to the TV?

            So have you tried to connect it directly? We have a lot of customers having problems with HDMI but in the workshop the TV’s work just fine. I’d like to know more.

            Also try a “Mantelstromfilter” if TV is connected to Cable/ Antenna/ Satellite. A Coaxial Hum Filter.

            #190644 Antworten

              Tom: shield is connected directly to tv. Nothing else is connected.

              Doesnt this panel support 12bit?

              #190645 Antworten

                Perhaps a CEC problem, try to disable or enable it on shield / TV

                #190646 Antworten

                  Bitrate ratling , you mean audio ratling?
                  I had the same issue with audio hdmi, changed audio hdmi setting on my tv to audio bypass multichannel
                  (sorry for my bad english)

                  #190647 Antworten

                    Try the option displaysettings at nvidia nshield: 4K 59,940Hz Dolby Vision und HDR10 Ready.

                    #190648 Antworten

                      So I have downgraded to 004.100.000 firmware version and tested again.

                      * HDMI/ARC 5.1 audio from NETFLIX/Rakuten TV not working.(only stereo PCM works)
                      * I cannot get 5.1 audio from either app through ARC. Only 5.1 Dolby audio possible via optical link.
                      * I Confirm in this firmware version the .AVI files on USB drive still play correctly , with correct 5.1 audio via HDMI/ARC.

                      Will downgrade further back one firmware version to 002.173.010 and test again….

                      #190649 Antworten

                        OK , now 55OLED804 TV is back to 002.173.010 firmware.

                        Problem HDMI/ARC with no 5.1 audio on surround system still persists. (only stereo works)
                        Is this supposed to work anyway?
                        I guess it is because countless 5.1 soundbars and systems are connected via HDMI/ARC.
                        Maybe a hardware problem?

                        I give up (pffff several hours invested now …. ) , back to optical SPDIF connection

                        #190650 Antworten

                          OMG… 12 Bit with 10’000 nits? Is there any content? What Datarate is provided?

                          Maybe with Microled and much higher Datarate it will make sense some time. Just my opinion.

                          #190652 Antworten

                            Mad C: I have this setting on shield
                            Current display mode ‘3840×2160 59.940 yuv 422 12bit rec.2020 dolby vision and hdr10’ enabled

                            Tv restarts itself. Arc only working half of the times if I connect soundbar. Apps is randomily closing.


                            #190658 Antworten

                              Raven: How do u check if audio from arc hdmi is 5.1?

                              #190663 Antworten

                                @Bigdrago,I just listen to all the speakers….
                                In the mean time I would ask @Toengel, is HDMI/ARC capable of passing or converting Dolby Digital plus E-AC3…?

                                #190669 Antworten

                                  Wollte Downgrade machen. Mehrmals probiert, aber klappt nicht, auch wenn ich das Stromkabel im laufenden Betrieb abziehe und nach einstecken des USB-Sticks wieder anschliesse.
                                  Es wird immer noch die neueste Firmware angezeigt, oder wird das Downgrade erst nach dem Zurücksetzen des TV erkannt?

                                Ansicht von 15 Antworten – 166 bis 180 (von insgesamt 336)
                                Antwort auf: Antwort #192147 in Philips: Neue Firmware für 2019/2020er TVs mit Android TV 9 Pie (TPM191E:
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