Philips: Neue Firmware für 2019/2020er TVs mit Android TV 11 (TPM191E:

Erfahrungen, Feedback und Bugmeldungen zu einzelnen Firmware-Versionen
  • 2020: OLED935, OLED865, OLED855, OLED805, OLED705, 9435, 9235, 9005, 8555, 8545, 8535, 8505
  • 2019: 65OLED984, OLED934, OLED854, OLED804, 8804, 8204, 7504, 7394, 7354, 7334, 7304
Ansicht von 15 Antworten – 256 bis 270 (von insgesamt 364)
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  • #207226 Antworten

      Thank you. So to my understanding, you just flashed TPM191E _ over Android 11.

      I want to downgrade because some buttons get stuck and then pressed two or three times. I just got a new – very powerful – sound bar. Sometimes the volume gets very high due to this problem described many times in this forum.

      #207227 Antworten


        did you make a factory reset after the upgrade to ATV 11?


        #207228 Antworten

          but it only works with the upgrade loader:

          Philips TV Firmware Archiv / Previous Firmware Versions

          #207229 Antworten

            I am trying to download ATV 11 to update my 50PUS7304 A9 tv to A11. Shared link works but when it starts downloading, I see that file being downloaded is named 50puh8215_96_fus_aen

            Is this the one to download and install for sure? Or something is wong with philips server and it starts downloading wrong file?

            #207230 Antworten

              in addition to Toengels question: you are already using the latest ATV 11 firmware TPM191E_ 201_0_246 and not the old firmware TPM191E_201.0.215.200, right?

              #207236 Antworten

                @toengel @Adam
                Yes, I did factory reset for the second time just a few days ago. And yes, I’m running the latest Android 11. You guys don’t face the issue with double/triple clicks? Not even occasionally? I have OLED 705 and these doubled presses are still presented even though not as common as before with the first Android 11 version.

                #207237 Antworten

                  Well, I have this from time to time, too.
                  Does anyone else also experience these double-clicks and can provide a solution?

                  Best regards,

                  #207248 Antworten

                    Hier kurz zu meinem Sound-Setting. Ich habe eine Sonos Playbase mit Toslink Eingang und betreibe sie über einen Toslink Extraktor. Der Extraktor ist über HDMI mit dem Philips verbunden. In den Settings habe ich TV Lautsprecher auf AUS gestellt und den Ton über HDMI eingestellt.
                    Seit einer Woche, habe ich das Problem, dass der Ton nach einer gewissen Zeit ausbleibt. Dann muss ich jedes Mal in das Ton Menü, und stelle kurz TV Lautsprecher auf AUS und anschliessend wieder Tonwiedergabe über HDMI und dann ist der Ton wieder da, leider aber nicht für lange.
                    Ich habe die neueste Firmware bereits lange installiert also Android TV 11, aber das Tonproblem erst seit einer Woche. An den Settings habe ich allerdings nichts geändert von daher frage ich mich wo das Problem herrühren kann?

                    Hat einer eine Idee?


                    #207249 Antworten

                      @Matthias, I think the only solution is new firmware

                      #207250 Antworten


                        Mal alle Geräte vom Strom trennen…


                        #207251 Antworten

                          @Adam (et al.)
                          Remote control issue:
                          the problem with the latency or the jumps when clicking on the remote control occurred for me at the beginning when I had installed the first ATV 11 firmware 201.0.215. After I carried out a factory reset and used fresh batteries (also important!), things improved considerably. With the update to the current firmware 201_0_246, the problem reduced again to a tolerable level for me. I also remember that I generally found the remote control on my OLED804 a bit sluggish, even with ATV 9, so that I first had to learn not immediately to click again when the remote control seemed to hang for a very short time.
                          @Matthias: Is that what you’re describing – I’ll call it “micro-hangs” – or is it more serious for you? As I said, I’m actually getting on quite well with it now.

                          Topic soundbar control – sudden increase in volume.
                          We’ve discussed this topic here in the forum before. If I remember correctly, it was due to another external device interfering and turning the soundbar up. However as I don’t know your configuration, I can’t say anything additional about this from a distance now.

                          And as I said: of course you can downgrade to ATV 9 and check whether the problems have disappeared.

                          #207260 Antworten

                            @aliens: The firmware of the TV or the remote? The TV is on the most actual software already …
                            @Uli: In my case, some clicks do not get recognized at all from time to time and sometimes (maybe ever 20th click?), the command is carried out twice.

                            #207262 Antworten

                              @Matthias, firmware of TV. I have tried with two remote controls (the 55POS9002 remote runs in 55OLED9705), and with the mobile app of Philips, and the result is the same. This only happens since I updated the new firmware ATV 11.

                              #207277 Antworten

                                Reg. Remote Double Clicks:
                                On my Oled 805 with the latest Atv11 Firmware I am facing the double click problem with my remote control. Fresh batteries reduced the problem but did not solve it in total. I live with it and pray for a firmware update which solves it. In total the advantages of ATV11 are greater than the remote Double Click problem. The internal apps run smoother with less frame drops.

                                #207281 Antworten

                                  I can confirm that double clicks have completely disappeared after downgrading to Android 9. It’s sad. Android 11 is overall better and faster on the OLED 705. Philips needs to keep their promise and officially update their entire line to Android 11 via OTA with working firmware as they promised.
                                  Two days after a downgrade and not even one double click. I can also confirm that my LG Soundbar is now working correctly, moving the volume up or down by only 1%.

                                  To be honest, if it wasn’t such a powerful soundbar, I wouldn’t care. But a 3-4% change instead of 1% is loud enough that I had my neighbors knocking on the door at midnight asking what the hell I was doing. This is simply unacceptable.

                                Ansicht von 15 Antworten – 256 bis 270 (von insgesamt 364)
                                Antwort auf: Antwort #207175 in Philips: Neue Firmware für 2019/2020er TVs mit Android TV 11 (TPM191E:
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