- Dieses Thema hat 129 Antworten sowie 2 Teilnehmer und wurde zuletzt vor vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten von
Felix aktualisiert.
Tachchen, es gibt eine neue Firmware für 2015/16er Philips TV-Modelle /-Fernseher mit Android TV für folgenden Serien: 2015 – QM151E (Download) – Down
[Vollständiger Blog-Eintrag: Philips: Neue Firmware für 2015/16er TV-Serien 8601 und 8901 mit Android TV 8 Oreo (QM151E: 26.68)] -
Matze F.
Sieht gut aus bis jetzt
Dankeschön! Scheint zu funktionieren.
Fast ein *Schimpfwort* Jahr ohne Korrektur vom Hersteller.
Definitiv keine Wahl bei zukünftigen Kaufentscheidungen.
Hallo Zusammen!
Es scheint tatsächlich zu funktionieren, die FB schläft nicht mehr ein… Ich hoffe aber trotzdem noch auf ein Update von Philips bzw. TPV.
Gruß Dirk
Ryan Green
I can confirm this workaround seems to work for me so far too (only 1 hour since I made the change). Was surprised to see that the (new) Android Phillips TV Remote app still works, which I had been using when the physical remote annoyed me so much.
Roland E.
FB funktioniert auch bei mir wieder einwandfrei. Danke!
Markus Ott
auch bei mir funktioniert die Fernbedienung beim 55PUS8601/10 wieder.
Vielen Dank Alex Toengel, ich war schon kurz davor das Downgrade zu machen.
Finde es super, dass es dieses Forum gibt.Schade nur, dass Philips hier nichts (merkliches) unternimmt. Auch ich hatte ein erfolgloses Ticket bei TPV laufen.
Wenn die nicht der einzige Hersteller mit dem tollen Ambilight wären, dann wäre das sicher mein letzter Philips.Grüße
MarkusKlaus Godzieba
Hatte mit 55POS901F/12 sowohl das Problem mit dem Anschalten nachts um 4 Uhr als auch das Problem der ständig nicht mehr reagierenden Fernbedienung:
Zu Anschalten nachts um 4 Uhr kann ich das bestätigen, was bereits von Thorsten am 26.08.20 hier gesagt wurde: Das passiert immer nur dann, wenn man das Gerät direkt aus der Prime-App heraus ausschaltet. Wenn man vorher die App schließt und auf TV-Programm umschaltet, bleibt er nachts aus. Vielen Dank an Thorsten!
Die einschlafende Fernbedienung konnte ich dadurch in Griff bekommen, dass ich ein Stück Kork in die Feder im Batteriefach geklemmt habe, so dass die Batterie etwas straffer zwischen den Polen sitzt. Seit dem ist auch das Problem weg :-)
Daniel D
Was bewirkt der Kork in der Feder im Batteriefach ?
Damit hast du bestimmt nicht das Problem gelöst!Haso_51
Hallo zusammen,
echt klasse dass es hier so ein Forum gibt um sich gegenseitig zu unterstützen. Evtl. kann mir sogar jemand helfen. Ich habe folgendes Problem.
Ich weis nicht ob es nach diesen Update passiert ist, allerdings startet mein Philips TV nicht mehr richtig. Es erscheint das Philipslogo und dann folgend mit der Einrichtungsthematik und zack wird das Bildschirm schwarz. Ist das jemandem genau so ergangen? Gibt es da sowas wie eine Schutzschaltung? Auf die Fernbedienung reagiert der Fernseher noch(sieht man an dem Ambilight. Modelnummer ist die 8601/12. Schade, dieser TV hatte bisher bestens funktioniert.Liebe Grüße
lade dir aus meinem Firmware-Archiv den passenden upgrade_loader runter und installier diesen (Anleitung findest du dort auch):
Danach kompletten Werksreset machen (also TV neu einrichten).
Hello, my 65PUS8901/12 is stuck with Philips logo (3 or 4 times under start up) then goes in to Android Recovery mode showing ver 8.0.0 / OPR5.170623.014/026680
Tv worked fine before updating to latest version 026.068
Tried to upgrade again (latest version) via usb but says Installation aborted after installing some parts for a few minutes.
Restart and stuck in same ”loop” again.
Cant start ”self” install direct at startup of the TV.
Tv also creates a log file on my usb.
Any ideas?
did you try to recover the TV by installing the upgrade_loader.pkg for your TV?
No I have not.
Where do I find the ”upgrade-loader.pkg”?
please see my TV Firmware Archive!
Not sure but didn’t say ”installation aborted” as with all other versions. However still stuck with Philips logo loop and now it’s restarting every 20 seconds.
Below from latest recovery.log
_cbThd: sched_setscheduler error -1
SC_FCT_0: sched_setscheduler 957 error -1
SC_FCT_0: sched_setscheduler 958 error -1
SC_FCT_0: sched_setscheduler 959 error -1
SC_FCT_0: sched_setscheduler 960 error -1
SC_FCT_0: sched_setscheduler 961 error -1
SC_FCT_0: sched_setscheduler 962 error -1
SC_FCT_0: sched_setscheduler 963 error -1
SC_FCT_0: sched_setscheduler 964 error -1
SC_FCT_0: sched_setscheduler 965 error -1
SC_FCT_0: sched_setscheduler 967 error -1
SC_FCT_0: sched_setscheduler 966 error -1
SC_FCT_0: sched_setscheduler 968 error -1
SC_FCT_0: sched_setscheduler 969 error -1
SC_FCT_0: sched_getparam 970 error -1
set ethernet port power to down return 0
set gpio 266 to 0 return value of setlatch : 0
pqservice_setOSDResolution retval : 0
pqservice_requestAfterBurnerWatchDogEnable retval : 0
__bionic_open_tzdata: couldn’t find any tzdata when looking for localtime!
__bionic_open_tzdata: couldn’t find any tzdata when looking for GMT!
__bionic_open_tzdata: couldn’t find any tzdata when looking for posixrules!
Starting MAIN recovery (pid 952) on Sat Jan 1 16:00:01 2000
recovery filesystem table
0 /sdcard vfat /dev/block/sda1 0
1 /system ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p6 0
2 /data ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p7 0
3 /cache ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p8 0
4 /factory_setting ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p9 0
5 /user_setting ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p16 0
6 /recovery emmc /dev/block/mmcblk0p4 0
7 /misc emmc /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 0
8 /boot emmc /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 0
9 /pq emmc /dev/block/mmcblk0p10 0
10 /aq emmc /dev/block/mmcblk0p11 0
11 /uboot_env emmc /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 0
12 /loader emmc /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 0
13 /tmp ramdisk ramdisk 0locale is [en-US]
stage is []
framebuffer: fd 23 (1920 x 1080)
installing_text: en (324 x 38 @ 411)
erasing_text: en (109 x 38 @ 312)
no_command_text: en (172 x 38 @ 312)
error_text: en (64 x 38 @ 312)
Command: “recovery”ro.pm.warmboot=1
ro.build.date=Thu Jan 14 14:36:55 IST 2016
ro.build.display.id=LMY47D test-keys
ro.build.description=philips_MT5593Uplus_EU-user 5.1 LMY47D eng test-keys
persist.sys.strictmode.disable=1show_text is 1 —
E:failed to mount /sdcard (No such file or directory)
ensure_path_mounted_2 :Could not mount /dev/block/sda : error No such file or directory
ensure_path_mounted_2 :Could not mount /dev/block/sdb1 : error No such file or directory
ensure_path_mounted_2 :Could not mount /dev/block/sdb : error No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory— Wiping cache…
Formatting /cache…
Creating filesystem with parameters:
Size: 1073741824
Block size: 4096
Blocks per group: 32768
Inodes per group: 8192
Inode size: 256
Journal blocks: 4096
Blocks: 262144
Block groups: 8
Reserved block group size: 63
Created filesystem with 11/65536 inodes and 8536/262144 blocks
E:failed to mount /sdcard (No such file or directory)
ensure_path_mounted_2 :Could not mount /dev/block/sda : error No such file or directory
ensure_path_mounted_2 :Could not mount /dev/block/sdb1 : error No such file or directory
ensure_path_mounted_2 :Could not mount /dev/block/sdb : error No such file or directory
Cache wipe complete.
E:failed to mount /sdcard (No such file or directory)
ensure_path_mounted_2 :Could not mount /dev/block/sda : error No such file or directory
ensure_path_mounted_2 :Could not mount /dev/block/sdb1 : error No such file or directory
ensure_path_mounted_2 :Could not mount /dev/block/sdb : error No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory— Install /sdcard/autorun_QM151E_000.026.068.000.upg …
Finding update package…
Opening update package…
I:read key e=65537 hash=20
Verifying update package…
I:comment is 1567 bytes; signature 1549 bytes from end
I:whole-file signature verified against RSA key 0
Installing update…
selinux_android_file_context: Error getting file context handle (No such file or directory)
Warning: No file_contextsBEGIN OF UPGRADE STAGESBEGIN: FRC333 Programming.
file path [FRC333Bin.zip] and dest_path [/tmp/backend]
new_path is FRC333Bin
dest_path is /tmp/backend
Extracted 4 file(s)binary file path received: /tmp/backend, line: 122
== Error open /dev/cb2 == !
Failed to CB2_InitLib !
_cbThd: sched_setscheduler error -1
OptionCodeInfo.OPFRC = 1
[isNtPresent] isNtPresent after_burner=2, div_after_burner = 1No Backend NT Present
Nothing to upgarde
END: FRC333 Programming.BEGIN: FRC Programming.
file path [FRCBin.zip] and dest_path [/tmp/backend]
BEGIN OF UPGRADE STAGESBEGIN: FRC333 Programming.new_path is FRCBin
dest_path is /tmp/backend
END: FRC333 Programming.Extracted 20 file(s)
UpdateNT72324Fn 272 m_hwPlatform 0 (0=>2K15,1=>2K16)binary file path received: /tmp/backend, line: 304
getBinaryandVersionFilePath 730 m_hwPlatform 0 (0=>2K15,1=>2K16)
file description is tpvision_ISP_NT_v49.6.640.
description length is 40
BEGIN: FRC Programming.upgrade finished successfully UPGRADE COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLYEND: FRC Programming.END: FRC Programming.BEGIN: FRC LDC Profile Programming.
file path [FRCBin.zip] and dest_path [/tmp/backend]
BEGIN: FRC LDC Profile Programming.new_path is FRCBin
dest_path is /tmp/backend
Extracted 20 file(s)
Panel is OD Dimming
.**no LDC upgrade needed**
END: FRC LDC Profile Programming.END: FRC LDC Profile Programming.BEGIN: FPGA Programming.
file path [PQFPGA.zip] and dest_path [/tmp/backend]
new_path is PQFPGA
dest_path is /tmp/backend
BEGIN: FPGA Programming.Extracted 3 file(s)
Backend PQFPGA not Present
.**no FPGA upgrade needed**
END: FPGA Programming.END: FPGA Programming.BEGIN: FIERCE FPGA Programming.
file path [FIERCE.zip] and dest_path [/tmp/backend]
new_path is FIERCE
dest_path is /tmp/backend
Extracted 2 file(s)
BEGIN: FIERCE FPGA Programming.Backend FIERCEFPGA not Present
.**no FPGA upgrade needed**
END: FIERCE FPGA Programming.BEGIN: Programing system
Creating filesystem with parameters:
Size: 1610612736
Block size: 4096
Blocks per group: 32768
Inodes per group: 8192
Inode size: 256
Journal blocks: 6144
Blocks: 393216
Block groups: 12
Reserved block group size: 95
Created filesystem with 11/98304 inodes and 12897/393216 blocks
END: FIERCE FPGA Programming.BEGIN: Programing systemupdate system partition => dest_path [/dev/block/mmcblk0p6]
[1]. zipfile_path is system1.img.zip
size of the file system1.img.zip is 188747568 bytes
new_path is system1.img
[2]. zipfile_path is system2.img.zip
size of the file system2.img.zip is 236162928 bytes
new_path is system2.img
[3]. zipfile_path is system3.img.zip
size of the file system3.img.zip is 228986384 bytes
new_path is system3.img
[4]. zipfile_path is system4.img.zip
size of the file system4.img.zip is 201605472 bytes
new_path is system4.img
END:Program systemBEGIN: BOSTON programming.
file path [bostonBin.zip] and dest_path [/tmp/bostonBin]
new_path is bostonBin
dest_path is /tmp/bostonBin
Extracted 3 file(s)
boston: Begin Programming.upgrade_get_init=3, productType =1, hdrMode =0 opThreed =0
Boston binary file path received: /tmp/bostonBin, line: 123
Boston binary file name: /tmp/bostonBin/BOSTON_TMTK_191.17.03.bin
Boston binary file size: 286720
Boston file description: BOSTON_TMTK_191.17.03.bin
Boston description size: 25
END:Program systemBEGIN: BOSTON programming.boston: Begin Programming.CurrentVersion:0 & ParsedVersion :17
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 5%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 10%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 15%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 20%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 25%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 30%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 35%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 40%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 45%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 50%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 55%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 60%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 65%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 70%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 75%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 80%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 85%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 90%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 95%
sAdapterEventHandler Sii9777FirmwareRestart 111
Upgrade failed or success result :201
Line: 74, Function: database_exist_query, DataBase Already Exist
Line 690: Function edidUpgrade: Hdmi port=0 edid_config_mode=0
Line 690: Function edidUpgrade: Hdmi port=1 edid_config_mode=0
Line 690: Function edidUpgrade: Hdmi port=2 edid_config_mode=0
Line 690: Function edidUpgrade: Hdmi port=3 edid_config_mode=0
findFileName: edid productType = 1 hdrMode = 0 opThreed =0
findFileName: edid productType = 1 hdrMode = 0
opThreed =0
Line 712: Function edidUpgrade: File path=/user_setting/ro/tvplayer/bin_edid/Hdr_Edid/hdmi1/EDID_CFG9_STD_SiI9777_Port3.bin filesize=256
findFileName: edid productType = 1 hdrMode = 0 opThreed =0
findFileName: edid productType = 1 hdrMode = 0
opThreed =0
Line 712: Function edidUpgrade: File path=/user_setting/ro/tvplayer/bin_edid/Hdr_Edid/hdmi2/EDID_CFG9_STD_SiI9777_Port2.bin filesize=256
findFileName: edid productType = 1 hdrMode = 0 opThreed =0
findFileName: edid productType = 1 hdrMode = 0
opThreed =0
Line 712: Function edidUpgrade: File path=/user_setting/ro/tvplayer/bin_edid/Hdr_Edid/hdmi3/EDID_CFG9_STD_SiI9777_Port1.bin filesize=256
findFileName: edid productType = 1 hdrMode = 0 opThreed =0
findFileName: edid productType = 1 hdrMode = 0
opThreed =0
Line 712: Function edidUpgrade: File path=/user_setting/ro/tvplayer/bin_edid/Hdr_Edid/hdmi4/EDID_CFG9_STD_SiI9777_Port0.bin filesize=256
Line 714: Function edidUpgrade: Total Image size=1024Line 772: Function edidUpgradDoneCallback: Status 0
Line 776: Function edidUpgradDoneCallback: Boston upgrade finished successfully
END: BOSTON programming.BEGIN:User Settings Program
END: BOSTON programming.BEGIN:User Settings Programfile path [user_setting.zip] and dest_path [/user_setting]
new_path is user_setting
dest_path is /user_setting
Extracted 24779 file(s)
END:User Settings ProgramBEGIN: Programing EDID
UpdateEdidFn QM16XE_U
size of edid bin 111 is 2560 = 0 1 = 255 2 = 255 3 = 255 4 = 255 5 = 255 6 = 255 7 = 0 8 = 65 9 = 12 10 = 196 11 = 4 12 = 1 13 = 1 14 = 1 15 = 1
16 = 44 17 = 27 18 = 1 19 = 3 20 = 128 21 = 144 22 = 81 23 = 120 24 = 10 25 = 230 26 = 146 27 = 163 28 = 84 29 = 74 30 = 153 31 = 38
32 = 15 33 = 74 34 = 76 35 = 33 36 = 8 37 = 0 38 = 179 39 = 0 40 = 149 41 = 0 42 = 169 43 = 64 44 = 144 45 = 64 46 = 129 47 = 0
48 = 129 49 = 128 50 = 129 51 = 64 52 = 1 53 = 1 54 = 2 55 = 58 56 = 128 57 = 24 58 = 113 59 = 56 60 = 45 61 = 64 62 = 88 63 = 44
64 = 69 65 = 0 66 = 160 67 = 42 68 = 83 69 = 0 70 = 0 71 = 30 72 = 2 73 = 58 74 = 128 75 = 208 76 = 114 77 = 56 78 = 45 79 = 64
80 = 16 81 = 44 82 = 69 83 = 128 84 = 160 85 = 42 86 = 83 87 = 0 88 = 0 89 = 30 90 = 0 91 = 0 92 = 0 93 = 252 94 = 0 95 = 80
96 = 104 97 = 105 98 = 108 99 = 105 100 = 112 101 = 115 102 = 32 103 = 70 104 = 84 105 = 86 106 = 10 107 = 32 108 = 0 109 = 0 110 = 0 111 = 253
112 = 0 113 = 48 114 = 62 115 = 15 116 = 70 117 = 30 118 = 0 119 = 10 120 = 32 121 = 32 122 = 32 123 = 32 124 = 32 125 = 32 126 = 1 127 = 174
128 = 2 129 = 3 130 = 71 131 = 241 132 = 85 133 = 16 134 = 31 135 = 32 136 = 34 137 = 33 138 = 5 139 = 20 140 = 4 141 = 19 142 = 18 143 = 3
144 = 17 145 = 2 146 = 22 147 = 7 148 = 21 149 = 6 150 = 1 151 = 93 152 = 95 153 = 94 154 = 41 155 = 9 156 = 31 157 = 7 158 = 21 159 = 7
160 = 80 161 = 61 162 = 7 163 = 192 164 = 131 165 = 1 166 = 0 167 = 0 168 = 111 169 = 3 170 = 12 171 = 0 172 = 16 173 = 0 174 = 56 175 = 60
176 = 160 177 = 41 178 = 41 179 = 8 180 = 96 181 = 1 182 = 2 183 = 3 184 = 226 185 = 0 186 = 73 187 = 227 188 = 5 189 = 192 190 = 0 191 = 227
192 = 14 193 = 97 194 = 96 195 = 227 196 = 6 197 = 13 198 = 1 199 = 4 200 = 116 201 = 0 202 = 48 203 = 242 204 = 112 205 = 90 206 = 128 207 = 176
208 = 88 209 = 138 210 = 0 211 = 160 212 = 42 213 = 83 214 = 0 215 = 0 216 = 30 217 = 1 218 = 29 219 = 128 220 = 62 221 = 115 222 = 56 223 = 45
224 = 64 225 = 126 226 = 44 227 = 69 228 = 128 229 = 160 230 = 42 231 = 83 232 = 0 233 = 0 234 = 30 235 = 1 236 = 29 237 = 0 238 = 188 239 = 82
240 = 208 241 = 30 242 = 32 243 = 184 244 = 40 245 = 85 246 = 64 247 = 160 248 = 42 249 = 83 250 = 0 251 = 0 252 = 30 253 = 0 254 = 0 255 = 206 writeEdid: MTEEPROM_Write /user_setting/ro/tvplayer/bin_edid/Edid/F_Uplus_EDID_0x4D0.bin success
size of edid bin 111 is 2560 = 0 1 = 255 2 = 255 3 = 255 4 = 255 5 = 255 6 = 255 7 = 0 8 = 65 9 = 12 10 = 196 11 = 4 12 = 1 13 = 1 14 = 1 15 = 1
16 = 44 17 = 27 18 = 1 19 = 3 20 = 128 21 = 144 22 = 81 23 = 120 24 = 10 25 = 230 26 = 146 27 = 163 28 = 84 29 = 74 30 = 153 31 = 38
32 = 15 33 = 74 34 = 76 35 = 33 36 = 8 37 = 0 38 = 179 39 = 0 40 = 149 41 = 0 42 = 169 43 = 64 44 = 144 45 = 64 46 = 129 47 = 0
48 = 129 49 = 128 50 = 129 51 = 64 52 = 1 53 = 1 54 = 2 55 = 58 56 = 128 57 = 24 58 = 113 59 = 56 60 = 45 61 = 64 62 = 88 63 = 44
64 = 69 65 = 0 66 = 160 67 = 42 68 = 83 69 = 0 70 = 0 71 = 30 72 = 2 73 = 58 74 = 128 75 = 208 76 = 114 77 = 56 78 = 45 79 = 64
80 = 16 81 = 44 82 = 69 83 = 128 84 = 160 85 = 42 86 = 83 87 = 0 88 = 0 89 = 30 90 = 0 91 = 0 92 = 0 93 = 252 94 = 0 95 = 80
96 = 104 97 = 105 98 = 108 99 = 105 100 = 112 101 = 115 102 = 32 103 = 70 104 = 84 105 = 86 106 = 10 107 = 32 108 = 0 109 = 0 110 = 0 111 = 253
112 = 0 113 = 48 114 = 62 115 = 15 116 = 70 117 = 60 118 = 0 119 = 10 120 = 32 121 = 32 122 = 32 123 = 32 124 = 32 125 = 32 126 = 1 127 = 144
128 = 2 129 = 3 130 = 82 131 = 241 132 = 87 133 = 16 134 = 31 135 = 32 136 = 34 137 = 33 138 = 5 139 = 20 140 = 4 141 = 19 142 = 18 143 = 3
144 = 17 145 = 2 146 = 22 147 = 7 148 = 21 149 = 6 150 = 1 151 = 97 152 = 96 153 = 93 154 = 95 155 = 94 156 = 41 157 = 9 158 = 31 159 = 7
160 = 21 161 = 7 162 = 80 163 = 61 164 = 7 165 = 192 166 = 131 167 = 1 168 = 0 169 = 0 170 = 111 171 = 3 172 = 12 173 = 0 174 = 16 175 = 0
176 = 56 177 = 60 178 = 160 179 = 41 180 = 41 181 = 8 182 = 96 183 = 1 184 = 2 185 = 3 186 = 103 187 = 216 188 = 93 189 = 196 190 = 1 191 = 120
192 = 128 193 = 3 194 = 226 195 = 0 196 = 73 197 = 228 198 = 15 199 = 0 200 = 0 201 = 12 202 = 227 203 = 5 204 = 192 205 = 0 206 = 227 207 = 6
208 = 13 209 = 1 210 = 8 211 = 232 212 = 0 213 = 48 214 = 242 215 = 112 216 = 90 217 = 128 218 = 176 219 = 88 220 = 138 221 = 0 222 = 160 223 = 42
224 = 83 225 = 0 226 = 0 227 = 30 228 = 1 229 = 29 230 = 128 231 = 62 232 = 115 233 = 56 234 = 45 235 = 64 236 = 126 237 = 44 238 = 69 239 = 128
240 = 160 241 = 42 242 = 83 243 = 0 244 = 0 245 = 30 246 = 0 247 = 0 248 = 0 249 = 0 250 = 0 251 = 0 252 = 0 253 = 0 254 = 0 255 = 201 writeEdid: MTEEPROM_Write /user_setting/ro/tvplayer/bin_edid/Edid/F_Uplus_EDID_0x5D0.bin success
size of edid bin 111 is 2560 = 0 1 = 255 2 = 255 3 = 255 4 = 255 5 = 255 6 = 255 7 = 0 8 = 65 9 = 12 10 = 194 11 = 10 12 = 1 13 = 1 14 = 1 15 = 1
16 = 46 17 = 25 18 = 1 19 = 3 20 = 128 21 = 144 22 = 81 23 = 120 24 = 10 25 = 230 26 = 146 27 = 163 28 = 84 29 = 74 30 = 153 31 = 38
32 = 15 33 = 74 34 = 76 35 = 33 36 = 8 37 = 0 38 = 179 39 = 0 40 = 149 41 = 0 42 = 169 43 = 64 44 = 144 45 = 64 46 = 129 47 = 0
48 = 129 49 = 128 50 = 129 51 = 64 52 = 1 53 = 1 54 = 2 55 = 58 56 = 128 57 = 24 58 = 113 59 = 56 60 = 45 61 = 64 62 = 88 63 = 44
64 = 69 65 = 0 66 = 160 67 = 42 68 = 83 69 = 0 70 = 0 71 = 30 72 = 2 73 = 58 74 = 128 75 = 208 76 = 114 77 = 56 78 = 45 79 = 64
80 = 16 81 = 44 82 = 69 83 = 128 84 = 160 85 = 42 86 = 83 87 = 0 88 = 0 89 = 30 90 = 0 91 = 0 92 = 0 93 = 252 94 = 0 95 = 80
96 = 104 97 = 105 98 = 108 99 = 105 100 = 112 101 = 115 102 = 32 103 = 70 104 = 84 105 = 86 106 = 10 107 = 32 108 = 0 109 = 0 110 = 0 111 = 253
112 = 0 113 = 48 114 = 62 115 = 15 116 = 70 117 = 17 118 = 0 119 = 10 120 = 32 121 = 32 122 = 32 123 = 32 124 = 32 125 = 32 126 = 1 127 = 183
128 = 2 129 = 3 130 = 51 131 = 241 132 = 82 133 = 16 134 = 31 135 = 32 136 = 34 137 = 33 138 = 5 139 = 20 140 = 4 141 = 19 142 = 18 143 = 3
144 = 17 145 = 2 146 = 22 147 = 7 148 = 21 149 = 6 150 = 1 151 = 41 152 = 9 153 = 31 154 = 7 155 = 21 156 = 7 157 = 80 158 = 61 159 = 7
160 = 192 161 = 131 162 = 1 163 = 0 164 = 0 165 = 106 166 = 3 167 = 12 168 = 0 169 = 16 170 = 0 171 = 56 172 = 45 173 = 128 174 = 41 175 = 41
176 = 226 177 = 0 178 = 73 179 = 1 180 = 29 181 = 128 182 = 62 183 = 115 184 = 56 185 = 45 186 = 64 187 = 126 188 = 44 189 = 69 190 = 128 191 = 160
192 = 42 193 = 83 194 = 0 195 = 0 196 = 30 197 = 1 198 = 29 199 = 128 200 = 208 201 = 114 202 = 28 203 = 22 204 = 32 205 = 16 206 = 44 207 = 37
208 = 128 209 = 160 210 = 42 211 = 83 212 = 0 213 = 0 214 = 158 215 = 1 216 = 29 217 = 0 218 = 114 219 = 81 220 = 208 221 = 30 222 = 32 223 = 110
224 = 40 225 = 85 226 = 0 227 = 160 228 = 42 229 = 83 230 = 0 231 = 0 232 = 30 233 = 1 234 = 29 235 = 0 236 = 188 237 = 82 238 = 208 239 = 30
240 = 32 241 = 184 242 = 40 243 = 85 244 = 64 245 = 160 246 = 42 247 = 83 248 = 0 249 = 0 250 = 30 251 = 0 252 = 0 253 = 0 254 = 0 255 = 192 writeEdid: MTEEPROM_Write /user_setting/ro/tvplayer/bin_edid/Edid/Uplus_EDID_0x7E0.bin success
size of edid bin 111 is 2560 = 0 1 = 255 2 = 255 3 = 255 4 = 255 5 = 255 6 = 255 7 = 0 8 = 65 9 = 12 10 = 194 11 = 10 12 = 1 13 = 1 14 = 1 15 = 1
16 = 47 17 = 25 18 = 1 19 = 3 20 = 128 21 = 144 22 = 81 23 = 120 24 = 10 25 = 230 26 = 146 27 = 163 28 = 84 29 = 74 30 = 153 31 = 38
32 = 15 33 = 74 34 = 76 35 = 33 36 = 8 37 = 0 38 = 179 39 = 0 40 = 149 41 = 0 42 = 169 43 = 64 44 = 144 45 = 64 46 = 129 47 = 0
48 = 129 49 = 128 50 = 129 51 = 64 52 = 1 53 = 1 54 = 2 55 = 58 56 = 128 57 = 24 58 = 113 59 = 56 60 = 45 61 = 64 62 = 88 63 = 44
64 = 69 65 = 0 66 = 160 67 = 42 68 = 83 69 = 0 70 = 0 71 = 30 72 = 2 73 = 58 74 = 128 75 = 208 76 = 114 77 = 56 78 = 45 79 = 64
80 = 16 81 = 44 82 = 69 83 = 128 84 = 160 85 = 42 86 = 83 87 = 0 88 = 0 89 = 30 90 = 0 91 = 0 92 = 0 93 = 252 94 = 0 95 = 80
96 = 104 97 = 105 98 = 108 99 = 105 100 = 112 101 = 115 102 = 32 103 = 70 104 = 84 105 = 86 106 = 10 107 = 32 108 = 0 109 = 0 110 = 0 111 = 253
112 = 0 113 = 48 114 = 62 115 = 15 116 = 70 117 = 30 118 = 0 119 = 10 120 = 32 121 = 32 122 = 32 123 = 32 124 = 32 125 = 32 126 = 1 127 = 169
128 = 2 129 = 3 130 = 59 131 = 241 132 = 85 133 = 16 134 = 31 135 = 32 136 = 34 137 = 33 138 = 5 139 = 20 140 = 4 141 = 19 142 = 18 143 = 3
144 = 17 145 = 2 146 = 22 147 = 7 148 = 21 149 = 6 150 = 1 151 = 93 152 = 95 153 = 94 154 = 41 155 = 9 156 = 31 157 = 7 158 = 21 159 = 7
160 = 80 161 = 61 162 = 7 163 = 192 164 = 131 165 = 1 166 = 0 167 = 0 168 = 111 169 = 3 170 = 12 171 = 0 172 = 16 173 = 0 174 = 56 175 = 60
176 = 160 177 = 41 178 = 41 179 = 8 180 = 96 181 = 1 182 = 2 183 = 3 184 = 226 185 = 0 186 = 73 187 = 1 188 = 29 189 = 128 190 = 62 191 = 115
192 = 56 193 = 45 194 = 64 195 = 126 196 = 44 197 = 69 198 = 128 199 = 160 200 = 42 201 = 83 202 = 0 203 = 0 204 = 30 205 = 1 206 = 29 207 = 128
208 = 208 209 = 114 210 = 28 211 = 22 212 = 32 213 = 16 214 = 44 215 = 37 216 = 128 217 = 160 218 = 42 219 = 83 220 = 0 221 = 0 222 = 158 223 = 1
224 = 29 225 = 0 226 = 188 227 = 82 228 = 208 229 = 30 230 = 32 231 = 184 232 = 40 233 = 85 234 = 64 235 = 160 236 = 42 237 = 83 238 = 0 239 = 0
240 = 30 241 = 0 242 = 0 243 = 0 244 = 0 245 = 0 246 = 0 247 = 0 248 = 0 249 = 0 250 = 0 251 = 0 252 = 0 253 = 0 254 = 0 255 = 14 writeEdid: MTEEPROM_Write /user_setting/ro/tvplayer/bin_edid/Edid/Uplus_EDID_0xEE0.bin success
END: programming EDID.BEGIN: Programing HDCP2.2
about to run program [/sbin/toybox] with 6 args
toybox: Unknown command mount
run_program: child exited with status 1
about to run program [/sbin/toolbox] with 6 args
update_hdcp22: open /perm/PSTVK010 failed
END: programming HDCP2.2.BEGIN:Selective Cleanup
mount: failed to mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p7 at /data: Invalid argument
Could not open /data/misc/onehelp/checktv.mp4 : No such file or directory
From L/M to N, mkdir /data/misc/onehelpabout to run program [/sbin/toybox] with 4 args
ApplyParsedPerms: chown of /data/misc/onehelp to 0 failed: Permission deniedApplyParsedPerms: chgrp of /data/misc/onehelp to 2000 failed: Permission denied
ApplyParsedPerms: chmod of /data/misc/onehelp to 493 failed: Permission denied
script aborted: set_metadata_recursive: some changes failed
END:User Settings ProgramBEGIN: Programing EDIDEND: programming EDID.BEGIN: Programing HDCP2.2END: programming HDCP2.2.BEGIN:Selective Cleanupmount: failed to mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p7 at /data: Invalid argumentFrom L/M to N, mkdir /data/misc/onehelpApplyParsedPerms: chown of /data/misc/onehelp to 0 failed: Permission deniedApplyParsedPerms: chgrp of /data/misc/onehelp to 2000 failed: Permission deniedApplyParsedPerms: chmod of /data/misc/onehelp to 493 failed: Permission deniedset_metadata_recursive: some changes failed
function really_install_package — returnig result = 1
function install_package — returniing result = 1
Installation aborted.
copy recovery logs to sdcard ..
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory— Wiping cache…
Formatting /cache…
Creating filesystem with parameters:
Size: 1073741824
Block size: 4096
Blocks per group: 32768
Inodes per group: 8192
Inode size: 256
Journal blocks: 4096
Blocks: 262144
Block groups: 8
Reserved block group size: 63
Created filesystem with 11/65536 inodes and 8536/262144 blocks
copy recovery logs to sdcard ..
Cache wipe complete.
copy recovery logs to sdcard ..
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory
failed to open /sys/class/android_usb/android0/state: No such file or directory— Install /sdcard/autorun.upg …
Finding update package…
Opening update package…
I:read key e=65537 hash=20
Verifying update package…
I:comment is 1567 bytes; signature 1549 bytes from end
I:whole-file signature verified against RSA key 0
Installing update…
Warning: No file_contextsThis TV has 16 GB flash configuration , (null)
Upgrade stage is
BEGIN: FRC Programming.minzip: Extracted 30 file(s)
_cbThd: sched_setscheduler error -1
UpdateNT72324Fn 266 m_ProdTye 1 (5=>BNO,1=>UPLUS)binary file path received: /tmp/backend, line: 281
getBinaryandVersionFilePath 689 m_ProdTye 1 (5=>BNO,1=>UPLUS)
file description is tpvision_ISP_NT_v49.6.470.
description length is 40upgrade in progress. Done: 6%
upgrade finished successfully UPGRADE COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLYEND: FRC Programming.
BEGIN: FRC LDC Profile Programming.
minzip: Extracted 30 file(s)
Panel is OD Dimming
.**no LDC upgrade needed**
END: FRC LDC Profile Programming.
minzip: Extracted 3 file(s)
Backend PQFPGA not Present
.**no FPGA upgrade needed**
BEGIN: FPGA Programming.minzip: Extracted 2 file(s)
Backend FIERCEFPGA not Present
.**no FPGA upgrade needed**END: FPGA Programming.
END: FIERCE FPGA Programming.
Creating filesystem with parameters:
Size: 1610612736
Block size: 4096
Blocks per group: 32768
Inodes per group: 8192
Inode size: 256
Journal blocks: 6144
Blocks: 393216
Block groups: 12
Reserved block group size: 95
Created filesystem with 11/98304 inodes and 12897/393216 blocks
BEGIN: Programing bootloader
END:Program bootloader
BEGIN: Programing bootloader env
END:Program bootloader env
BEGIN: Programing kernel
END:Program kernel
BEGIN: Programing system
zipfile_path is system1.img.zip and i = 1
size of the file system1.img.zip is 196179408 bytes
new_path is system1.img
zipfile_path is system2.img.zip and i = 2
size of the file system2.img.zip is 243610784 bytes
new_path is system2.img
zipfile_path is system3.img.zip and i = 3
size of the file system3.img.zip is 203421072 bytes
new_path is system3.img
zipfile_path is system4.img.zip and i = 4
size of the file system4.img.zip is 107935520 bytes
new_path is system4.img
END:Program system
BEGIN: Programing pq partition
END:Program pq partition
BEGIN: Programing AQ partition
Upgrade stage is
about to run program [/sbin/toolbox] with 4 args
END:Program AQ partition
BEGIN: Programing tz partition
END:Program TZ partition
BEGIN: Programing adsp partition
END:Program ADSP partition
BEGIN:User Settings Program
about to run program [/sbin/toolbox] with 4 args
minzip: Extracted 18152 file(s)
END:User Settings Programminzip: Extracted 3 file(s)
upgrade_get_init=3, productType =1, hdrMode =0 opThreed =0Boston binary file path received: /tmp/bostonBin, line: 122
Boston binary file name: /tmp/bostonBin/BOSTON_TMTK_100.10.00.bin
Boston binary file size: 286720
Boston file description: BOSTON_TMTK_100.10.00.bin
Boston description size: 25BEGIN: BOSTON programming.
boston: Begin Programming.
CurrentVersion:1911703 & ParsedVersion :10
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 5%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 10%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 15%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 20%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 25%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 30%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 35%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 40%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 45%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 50%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 55%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 60%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 65%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 70%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 75%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 80%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 85%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 90%
Boston upgrade is in progress. Done: 95%
sAdapterEventHandler Sii9777FirmwareRestart 111
Upgrade failed or success result :201
Line: 74, Function: database_exist_query, DataBase Already Exist
Line 682: Function edidUpgrade: Hdmi port=0 edid_config_mode=0
Line 682: Function edidUpgrade: Hdmi port=1 edid_config_mode=0
Line 682: Function edidUpgrade: Hdmi port=2 edid_config_mode=0
Line 682: Function edidUpgrade: Hdmi port=3 edid_config_mode=0
findFileName: edid productType = 1 hdrMode = 0 opThreed =0
findFileName: edid productType = 1 hdrMode = 0
opThreed =0
Line 704: Function edidUpgrade: File path=/user_setting/ro/tvplayer/bin_edid/Uplus_Edid/hdmi1/EDID_CFG9_STD_SiI9777_Port3.bin filesize=256
findFileName: edid productType = 1 hdrMode = 0 opThreed =0
findFileName: edid productType = 1 hdrMode = 0
opThreed =0
Line 704: Function edidUpgrade: File path=/user_setting/ro/tvplayer/bin_edid/Uplus_Edid/hdmi2/EDID_CFG9_STD_SiI9777_Port2.bin filesize=256
findFileName: edid productType = 1 hdrMode = 0 opThreed =0
findFileName: edid productType = 1 hdrMode = 0
opThreed =0
Line 704: Function edidUpgrade: File path=/user_setting/ro/tvplayer/bin_edid/Uplus_Edid/hdmi3/EDID_CFG9_STD_SiI9777_Port1.bin filesize=256
findFileName: edid productType = 1 hdrMode = 0 opThreed =0
findFileName: edid productType = 1 hdrMode = 0
opThreed =0
Line 704: Function edidUpgrade: File path=/user_setting/ro/tvplayer/bin_edid/Uplus_Edid/hdmi4/EDID_CFG9_STD_SiI9777_Port0.bin filesize=256
Line 706: Function edidUpgrade: Total Image size=1024Line 764: Function edidUpgradDoneCallback: Status 0
Line 768: Function edidUpgradDoneCallback: Boston upgrade finished successfully
about to run program [/sbin/toolbox] with 6 args
mount: Invalid argument
run_program: child exited with status 255
about to run program [/sbin/toolbox] with 4 args
END: BOSTON programming.
BEGIN:Selective Cleanup
ioffset = 4480 and value=true and ivalue=160
Prodution S/W
unmount of /data failed; no such volumeMTEEPROM_Write success
value =0 and offset = 1088
value =0 and offset = 4096END:Selective Cleanup
script succeeded: result was [5]function try_update_binary — status = 0 returning INSTALL_SUCCESSfunction really_install_package — returnig result = 0
function install_package — returniing result = 0Install from sdcard complete.
copy recovery logs to sdcard .. -