Philips: ISF-Kalibrierung sperren bzw. entsperren

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  • #71529 Antworten

      Hi Alex,

      Hast Du Erfahrungen mit der ISF Kalibrierung gesammelt? Lohnt sich das? Konnte leider nichts in Berlin finden nur eine Firma aus Polen.

      Habe ein 21:9 Gold und bin noch nicht so ganz zufrieden mit meinem Bild ;)

      Danke für deine Großartige Arbeit!!


      #71530 Antworten

        Hi Toengel,
        I don’t know the answer to your question, though I could ask. I’ll tell you a bit about the history behind ISF calibration. In 1997 we were making LCD projectors and the first plasma TVs. We were getting feedback from the USA that our projectors were being tested with the “Video Essentials” DVD from Joe Kane, and that the calibration was not so good. Joe was one of the 2 founders of the Imaging Science Foundation (ISF). He later left the ISF to his partner and started JKP for making more DVDs, like “Digital Video Essentials”, also in HD (on Blu-ray).
        We invited Joe Kane to come to Eindhoven, and he tought us a lesson about calibration, using his DVD for the test images. Initially it was mostly about setting the correct black and white levels, avoiding clipping, and setting the saturation gain to exactly 1. Then you check the grey scale.
        It was an inspiration for me to later design some circuits for color space conversion (when wide color gamut was introduced) and gamma correction.
        After 25 years and 2 months with Philips TV I was transferred to TP Vision, and 1 year and 9 months later I was laid off. My last project was all about calibration and image enhancement. I am now working in Philips Research on a TV related topic, but not intended for TP Vision.
        — J

        #71531 Antworten


          thanks for these great Information!


          #71532 Antworten

            Mich würde auch interessieren, wer das kalibriert. Mein Expert Händler wußte anno 2011
            von dieser Möglichkeit nämlich gar nichts, vermutete aber, das da ein normaler Fernsehtechniker mit speziellem Equipment das macht.Über die Kosten konnte er daher auch nichts äußern. Auch eine vor 2 Jahren gestellte E-Mail Anfrage diebezüglich an den Philips Support blieb bis heute unbeantwortet

            #71533 Antworten

              Bei meinem 9706 funtioniert das Sperren/entsperren mit dieser Tastenkombination ebenfalls nicht

              #71534 Antworten


                ich habe bisher von der Sperrung auch nur bei 2K13er TVs gehört.


                #71535 Antworten


                  geht mir ähnlich – es gibt einfach keinen, der das macht…


                  #71536 Antworten

                    Or you can save your money and just set the TV to the Cinema profile, that comes very close to ISF calibration. The engineers at TP Vision (I was one) do know how to calibrate a TV. It’s just that they did not want to put the TVs in the shop like that because nobody would buy them.
                    Remember that if you calibrate a TV to studio settings then you should also reproduce the viewing conditions of a studio: very dark. The studio setting calls for a display gamma of 2.4 (according to the BT.1886 standard). If you put the TV in a brighter living room then you should choose a gamma of 2.2, this compensates for the luminance adaptation of our eyes and corrects the color appearance.
                    Subjective image appearance is more important than objective calibration. In the end you should just choose what you like best. All eyes are not created equal.
                    — Jeroen

                    #71537 Antworten

                      bei meinem 2012er 8007er geht das sperren und entsperren einwandfrei …

                      #71538 Antworten




                        #71539 Antworten

                          Gerade getestet: Funktioniert auch auf einem 55PFS8109 – 2014er TV

                          #71540 Antworten

                            Ich kalibriere im Raum Brandenburg, Philips 9809 isf mit obigen code freischaltbar.

                            #71541 Antworten

                              Grade auf dem 55pus9109 ausprobiert. Entsperren klappt!

                              #71542 Antworten

                                Here with a 2014’s Philips 49PUS7909. The 473473 code WORKS with ISF mode’s lock.

                                Thanks for the info.

                                Greetings from Córdoba, Spain.

                                #71543 Antworten

                                  43PUS7303 – 2018 funktioniert!

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