Antwort auf: Philips 2018: Der 55OLED803 und 65OLED803 OLED Ultra HD TV mit Android TV

Alle Informationen zu den einzelnen Serien der jeweiligen Jahrgänge
973, 873, 8503, 8303, 7803, 7503, 73x3, 6803, 67x3, 65x3, 5703, 5603, 5503, 5403, 5303, 4503
Jon B

    Hi Toengel,

    I’ve been trying to recover an OLED803/12 for a good number of weeks now which is suffering from a stuck Philips logo. I have tried the most recent Upgrade_Loader.pkg (, ( and (, without bootup success yet. “Software Upgrade in progress” is displayed, but does not complete.

    I read the boot log via Uart connection and noted that was calling for missing BIN files “..nt334_2k18”. Should these be present inside the zip as they are with the older zip files?

    Lastly, I’d really like to try flashing the NVM.bin file for this set. Would you be able to share this with me too?

    Many thanks for all your help and advice.



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