Antwort auf: Philips: Neue Firmware für 2019/2020er TVs mit Android TV 11 (TPM191E:

Erfahrungen, Feedback und Bugmeldungen zu einzelnen Firmware-Versionen
  • 2020: OLED935, OLED865, OLED855, OLED805, OLED705, 9435, 9235, 9005, 8555, 8545, 8535, 8505
  • 2019: 65OLED984, OLED934, OLED854, OLED804, 8804, 8204, 7504, 7394, 7354, 7334, 7304

    I have unfortunately updated my TV from to this version and yes, new feature was added “fast channels streaming”, but I had no sound in those. Not sure if corelated but I got new Disney+ startup screen, with sound, but I have no sound in Disney+ app. Sound works fine in Sat TV and Youtube. I have a soundbar using ARC. To get sound in Disney+ I need to switch back to TV speakers, nothing I did allowed me to enable sound through soundbar in Disney+. Any ideas or should I revert back to last working firmware? Thanks!

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