Antwort auf: Philips: Neue Firmware für 2021/22er High-End-TVs mit Android TV 11 (TPM211EA:

Erfahrungen, Feedback und Bugmeldungen zu einzelnen Firmware-Versionen
  • 2022: OLED937, OLED907, OLED807, OLED837, OLED857, OLED887, OLED707, PML9507, PUS8807, PUS8837, PUS8857, PUS8887, PUS8897, PUS8507, PUS8517
  • 2021: OLED986, OLED936, OLED806, OLED856, OLED876, OLED706, PML9636, PML9506, PUS9206, PUS9006, PUS8556, PUS8546, PUS8536, PUS8506

    Did they fix problem with frame rate? After playing video that is 24 25 or 30 fps, GUI fps will stay also same fps. Only after playing video that is 50 or 60 fps GUI will be smooth again. Btw all firmware on android 11 have that.

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