Antwort auf: Philips: Neue Firmware für 2023/2024er High-End-TVs mit Google TV (TPM231WW:

Erfahrungen, Feedback und Bugmeldungen zu einzelnen Firmware-Versionen
  • 2024: OLED809/819/849/859/889, OLED909, OLED959
  • 2023: OLED908, OLED8x8, OLED7x8, PUS88x8, PUS85x8
Rogga P

    Have a new remote for my 908. Now i have a right reading off battery level, it started with 80%.

    I noticed that the app button is not working. Can any boddy . Same thing for turning on backlight on the remote.

    Can anybody confirm my problems with the new remote?

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