Philips: Neue Firmware für 2017/2018er TVs mit Android TV 7 (TPM171E: 3.0.240)

Erfahrungen, Feedback und Bugmeldungen zu einzelnen Firmware-Versionen
  • 2019: 9104
  • 2018: 903 (OLED), 803 (OLED), 8503, 8303, 7803, 7503, 7303, 7363, 7373, 7383, 7393
  • 2017: 973 (OLED), 873 (OLED), 9002 (OLED), 8602, 8102, 7502, 6412, 6482
Ansicht von 15 Antworten - 61 bis 75 (von insgesamt 163)
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  • #21790 Antworten


    TV mal vom STrom nehmen… von wo spielst du HDR ab?


    #21792 Antworten

    Habe das Update für die FB jetzt noch einmal versucht. Nach dem Start kam sofort die Meldung “Die Software Ihrer Fernbedienung ist aktuell”!? Naja, immerhin nervt die Update-Meldung nun nicht mehr nach jedem Einschalten.

    #22668 Antworten

    Hi all,
    I am trying to downgrade from this version to the 208-version which I have the upg-file for. However, I can´t connect to my TV via Minimal ADB and Fastboot. I only get that the connection was denied (10061). Anyone have any tips for me? I want to downgrade because my image quality was greatly reduced after the 240-version was installed, especially on HD-channels.

    #22669 Antworten

    Adding to the above: I have the 55POS9002.

    #22700 Antworten

    Hello, I would not do it. I had also used the tool to downgrade (android7), then came error message, tv was scrap. Just be glad that there was no connection with the TV. The picture quality has improved. Colors are no longer over-subscribed, but the natural colors of the film itself are stronger. This makes the picture more realistic.

    Best regards

    #22702 Antworten

    Thanks Fath. I just don´t get it, some HD-channels that previously looked great are now much more grainy looking. It´s strange and annoying.

    #22704 Antworten

    Das kann viele Ursachen haben. Vielleicht liegt es am HDMI-Kabel oder Satreceiver.
    Was hast du für Bildeinstellungen? Ich kann dir empfehlen das du deine Bildeinstellungen auf Bildmodus Standard überträgst. Standard hat die beste Bildverarbeitung. Sollten eigendlich alle gleich sein, sind es aber nicht.

    P.S. Welchen rgb Weißabgleich hat die Farbtemparatur Normal bei dir?


    #22705 Antworten

    This can have many causes. Maybe it’s the HDMI cable or Satreceiver.
    What do you have for image settings? I can recommend that you transfer your picture settings to standard picture mode. Standard has the best image processing. Should be the same eigendlich, but they are not.

    P.S. What rgb white balance does the color temperature normal with you?

    Thank you!

    #22708 Antworten

    Seit dem Update funktioniert das ARC scheinbar nicht mehr wie bisher.
    Vorher Funbktionierte es bestens.
    Will ich jetzt aber ein Youtube Video oder Netflix vom TV an den receiver ausgeben, kommt kein Signal am receiver an.
    Nur der TV Lautsprecher geht.
    Bei den Soundeinstellungen funktioniert auch das umschalten auf HDMi Sound nicht. Sobald ich das anklicke kommt …”Fehler-Lautsprecher sind Aktiv”.
    Hat das Problem noch einer ?

    Kann man irgendwie auf die alte Fw downgraden ?

    #22723 Antworten

    Hatte heute das selbe Problem an einem 65PUS8102 es half netzstecker ziehen für 5 minuten dann neustart.
    Seither funktionierts wieder wunderbar.

    #22746 Antworten

    I wodn a brand new 8102.
    I have had a lot situations where the ARC is not working after starting the TV from sleep state.
    Usually jumping between HDMI sources returns the ARC to function but sometimes one has to re-choose “HDMI audio output” from the sound options although it is on already. Sometimes TV has to be rebooted totally. Sometimes nothing works. This FW was the first FW I used the TV with so I have no idea how it worked earlier.

    All this might be ofc because of my AVR or HDMI-cable or both.

    On a side note, for some reason when the ARC is working, I can see it by looking at the AVR cos it shows Dolby DD icon on it, even though I am only in the Android Homescreen. It shows the DD icon even though I watch stereo stuff, and ofc the sound comes out as a stereo. Weird. It does not matter if I

    DTS is not working thru Kodi. It plays as DD or DD+. Afaik Philips FW is not standard API24 which is the reason for this. If I connect Mi Box to TV, then I get DTS to the AVR even though all this goes thru TV and ARC. Although there is a 0.2s delay in the sound so I have to off set the audio thru Kodi.

    The internal player pretty much crashes every time I try to watch any 4K material with it. Useless junk.

    Sorry for the english post aber meine deutsch ist nicht das gut.

    #22747 Antworten

    Ich habe auch ein Problem mit meinem Arc. Die Anlage schaltet sich plötzlich ab und der TV schaltet auf die internen um obwohl die leiste nicht angesteckt ist. Das ist super nervig. Gibt es eine Lösung dafür ?

    #22763 Antworten


    I’ve always had standard settings and the cables are new and there was no issues before updating. I have also tried all different settings but nothing helps. The image is much more more grainy, like SD output or as if the noise reduction is not working as before.

    #22812 Antworten

    Take my settings. So you get the best picture from the OLED.
    Picture mode: Standard
    Contrast: 100
    Color: 50
    Sharpness: 3
    Brightness: 50
    Color processing: Minimum
    Color temperature: Normal
    Contrast mode: Normal
    HDR Upscaling: On
    Perfect contrast: medium
    Video contrast: 100
    Light sensor: off
    Gamma: 0
    Ultra Res .: On
    Mpeg: Off
    Noise reduction: Off
    Perfect Natural Motion: Off
    Perfect Clear Motion: Maximum

    #22887 Antworten

    I finally got my good picture back! Thanks Fath but it wasn´t the image settings (tried your settings but didn´t help). I de-activated HDMI Ultra HD and suddenly the picture was great again! Also when changing back to 4:2:0, the picture was as before updating. Soooo relieved. I was VERY close to getting rid of the TV.

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Antwort auf: Antwort #20436 in Philips: Neue Firmware für 2017/2018er TVs mit Android TV 7 (TPM171E: 3.0.240)
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