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Dear Philips… Get your IT running! (Update 3)

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Dear Philips,

since Thursday last week you broke the “Philips Support Forums”…

Curl error: error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure HTTP code: 35

It seems, that after the disclosure of the POODLE vulnerability (SSLv3, CVE-2014-3566) some of your IT changed the settings of the servers. This seems logical after the disclosure. However, did you test, what you did? I think: NO! Cause it is not possible to log in.

So, again you managed to break something and it takes ages to fix that, because you outsource everything!

You know, that the Philips Support Forums is one of the main spots for your customers?

Sometimes, this is really sad…


Follow me on Twitter (@PhilipsToengel)

Update 1 (24.10.2014):

It’s been one week… Nothing changed… Are you alive?

Sad, Sad, Sad…

Update 2 (27.10.2014, 21:30):

The English forum seems to work again. I was able to log in. German forum is still not usable.

Update 3 (28.10.2014, 8:45):

The German forum is working again, too. There is also a statement in both forums:

Hi everybody,

Due to necessary maintenance to upgrade the security protocol on the log-in widget, the Support Forum was inaccessible for some time. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this downtime and our moderators look forward to resuming normal community activities. Thank you for your patience while they catch up!


Philips Support Forum Team

Thanks, but such issues need to be solved quicker in the future…

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