Antwort auf: Philips 2015: Die 6400 Ultra-HD TV-Serie mit Android TV (Update 2)

Alle Informationen zu den einzelnen Serien der jeweiligen Jahrgänge
7600, 7100, 7120, 7150, 7170, 7180, 7190, 6500, 6510, 6520, 6540, 6550 6580, 6400, 6300, 5500, 5300, 5210, 4900, 4100, 4200, 4000


I have search on many forum and i want to know if some users have same problem and if they have an issue.

Im french so poor english and very poor deutsche sorry

I have a *PUH6400/88* white QM152E_000.007.070.000 firmware

My problem is

in UHD 60 Hz, the image is displayed well, but after a while it jumps (gray band as if there was a flow problem) no black screen, I go back to stable 30 Hz. Now its jumps all time… Details. –3 screen configuration, AMD RX 480 graphics card. Drivers ok. Fairly qualitative 650w power supply. –The screen is correctly connected to*HDMI1 of the TV, the only port according to the specifications that can deliver UHD 60Hz.* –H*DMI 2.0b port* on graphics card –H*DMI cable changed to certified 2.1* and I am in 1 meter. tested several elsewhere — Latest tv firmware 0.077 etc from 2018 (if there is another one not found) (The surprising thing is that I have stable uhd 60hz for about an hour and then image jumps.) As if there was a bottleneck. Same thing white only one display and an other pc white other graphic card Have u an issue white flickering on uhd 60hz there is no EDID menu in tv !

Sincerly Arno

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