es gibt neue Firmware-Update für viele kleine TV-Serien (2011):
- TPM61E
- 3505H/12 (32, 42)
- 3506H/12 (32, 42)
- 3606H/12 (32, 42)
- TPM62E
- 5306H/12 (32)
- 5406H/12 (32)
- 5606H/12 (32)
- TPM63E
- DesignLine Tilt 4906H/12 (22, 26)
- TPM64E
- 3406H/12 (32)
- TPM71E
- 4506H/12 (42)
- 4606H/12 (32, 37, 42, 47)
- TPM82E
- 3206H/12 (22)
- 3606H/12 (19, 22, 26)
- TPM83E
- 5206H/12 (32)
- TV turns off and on by itself while watching DI.TV channels. (Only applicable to country, Italy)
- Stofa cable provider option is added to the DVB-C installation cable provider list. (Only
applicable to country, Denmark) - Missing UPC channels. (Only applicable to country, Netherlands)
- Picture freeze when you playback motion jpeg file.
- A different audio is heard on some digital channels. (Only applicable to country, Mauritius)
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